10 Amazing things you can build using JavaScript

JavaScript was founded in 1995 by Brendan Eich. Recently, a survey is conducted by StackOverflow and it is found in the survey that JavaScript is the most used and liked language on the earth. Also, An interesting fact came out in the survey that back-end developers are most likely to search regarding JavaScript apart from any other language. Even java and .NET developers also said that they need to learn at least a primary level of JavaScript for their final projects.  

With the advancement of web JavaScript and web technology, it has moved into servers with NodeJS. JavaScript has become so much more popular than it was a few years ago. Here is a list of amazing tasks you can do using JavaScript:-

  1. Websites: JavaScript was founded by Brendan Eich in 1995 to add interactivity and behavior to static websites and still now it is used for the same purpose. Every modern website has JavaScript to a certain extent. Wikipedia, Yahoo, and Amazon are some websites that are built using JavaScript.
  2. Web applications: JavaScript has made it easy to create web applications. Take the example of Google maps in which if you need to search for a location on google maps you have to touch and drag the mouse and you see a portion of the map that is less filled whereas the zoomed part is more filled. That is how JavaScript works behind scenes. Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL are some web applications that are built using JavaScript.
  3. Presentations: Nowadays JavaScript is also used to make presentations just like websites. RevealJS library is used to create presentations if you are familiar with CSS and HTML. If you do not know HTML and CSS you can Try using slides.com which is based on the RevealJS library.
  4. Smartwatch apps: Pebble, a smartwatch-making company has made pebble.js, a JavaScript framework that allows users or developers to make an application for watches in JavaScript. But till now it is not available in IOS and Android watches.
  5. Mobile apps: Mobile apps can be made using JavaScript. Earlier it seems to be a different task to make an app for mobiles as different apps are required for android and IOS as different languages are required to make apps for them and more developers are required to do this. But this task can easily be done using JavaScript and React Native where a single app can be used on both android and IOS mobile phones. Like Walmart, Airbnb, and Facebook are built using react and JavaScript.                                                                                                          
  6. Browser-based games: Browser-based gaming has bought a new boom in the online gaming industry. Coming of HTML5 has taken it to another level. It will be interesting to see how this segment will evolve in the future. CrossCode and Swoop are examples of browser-based games.  
  7. Flying drones and robots: Basic drones are equipped with an operating system and as a result, you can install NodeJS on it. So after installing it you can easily program the drones using JavaScript. AR Drone 2.0 is a practical example of this that offers high-end API to stream video, read data back, and receive orders.
  8. Server application: With the coming of NodeJS a few years back, JavaScript makes its route from the browser to the server. As long then, Node has been used by many big companies for Example – Paypal, Linkedin, medium, and Uber as a major part of back-end infrastructure.    
  9. Web servers: JavaScript has made it easy to make web servers in merely 10 lines of code, you can construct a basic web server. Though you can make more functional servers by using a node or by using a standard framework such as express. Node hello world application and apache tomcat are some examples of web servers.
  10. Art: The canvas element is a new feature added recently in HTML5 which helps in rendering or adding three-dimensional objects or shapes to the browsers. This has made browsers a new source of digital art. For example cubes, cuboids and triangles can be made using JavaScript.

These are some amazing things you can do using JavaScript and there are much more coming in the near future