PostgreSQL Tutorial

PostgreSQL is one of the most advanced general-purpose Relational database management systems (RDMS). It is open-source software, which means the source code is available under the PostgreSQL license. Anyone with the right skills is free to use, modify, and distribute PostgreSQL in any form. It supports both relational as well as Non-Relational JSON Queries.

In this PostgreSQL tutorial you’ll learn the basic data types(Boolean, char, text, time, int etc.), Querying and Filtering techniques like select, where, in, order by, etc. managing and modifying the tables in PostgreSQL. We’ll cover all the basic to advance concepts of PostgreSQL in this tutorial.

What is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is an advanced and open-source relational database system and is used as a database for many web applications, mobile and analytics applications. It supports both SQL (relational) and JSON (non-relational) querying and It is a stable database supported by more than 20 years of development by the open-source community.

Table of Content

  • Basics
  • Data Types
  • Querying & Filtering Data
  • Managing Tables
  • Modifying Data
  • Conditionals
  • Control Flow
  • Transactions & Constraints
  • Working with JOINS & Schemas
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Working with Sets
  • Subquery & CTEs
  • User-defined Functions
  • Important In-Built Functions
  • PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL
  • Variables & Constants
  • Stored Procedures
  • Working with Triggers
  • Working with Views & Indexes
  • Errors & Exception Handling

PostgreSQL Tutorial For Begineers

PostgreSQL Basics

Data Types

Querying & Filtering Data

Managing Tables

Modifying Data


Control Flow

Transactions & Constraints

Working with JOINS & Schemas

Roles & Permissions

Working with Sets

Subquery & CTEs

User-Defined Functions

Important In-Built Functions

Advanced PostgreSQL Tutorial

Features of PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL runs on all operating systems, Like Linux, UNIX, MAC OS and Windows and It supports text, images, sounds, and video, and includes programming interfaces for C / C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).

PostgreSQL supports a big part of the SQL standard and provides many features mentioned below:

  • Complex SQL queries
  • SQL Sub-selects
  • Foreign keys
  • Trigger
  • Views
  • Transactions
  • Multiversion concurrency control (MVCC)
  • Streaming Replication (as of 9.0)
  • Hot Standby (as of 9.0)
  • Asynchronous replication
  • Tablespaces

Advantages of PostgreSQL

  • PostgreSQL has the feature of write-ahead logging.
  • Many replication methods are supported.
  • It has ability to make large-scale web applications because it is robust and powerful.
  • It is easy to learn.
  • According to the organization we can edit and modify it easily because PostgreSQL is available for free to its open source license.


In this PostgreSQL tutorial, You will learn all the essentials of working with PostgreSQL Like installation, connecting to the database, creating and managing databases, SQL basics, querying data, advanced queries and joins, indexing and optimization, transactions and concurrency control, security and user management, backup and restore, PostGIS for geospatial data, and PostgreSQL extensions. PostgreSQL provides number of features Which makes it a versatile and reliable choice for building robust database-driven applications.

PostgreSQL Tutorial – FAQs

1. How to create new Database in PostgreSQL?

There are two methods of creating a new database:

  1. CREATE DATABASE (SQL command)
  2. createdb (command-line executable)

2. What are the different Operators in PostgreSQL?

There are 4 different type of operators in PostgreSQL are as follow-

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Logic operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Bitwise operators

3. What are the disadvantages with PostgreSQL?

Performance wise PostgreSQL is slower than MySQL and Open source applications are less than MySQL.

4. How to delete a PostgreSQL database?

  1. DROP DATABASE (SQL command)
  2. dropdb (command-line)