10 Best Artificial Intelligence Project Ideas To Kick-Start Your Career

It is quite known to everyone how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are dominating the tech world in the present-day scenario. And you might be pretty much aware that both Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are interdependent in some way or the other. Though a lot of theoretical stuff is being written on the different aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, only learning theory is not sufficient and you need to spend time working on real-time projects. These projects not only help you to gain some hands-on experience and practical exposure, but you shall also be able to scale new heights as far as your career is concerned in this particular discipline.

This article gives you an insight into ten of the best artificial intelligence projects that will help you learn how things work. While working on these ideas, you can find it easy to implement them in different fields of work. Before we get to see the best AI-based projects, let discuss why AI-based projects are the future.

Why AI-based projects are the future?

As we are all aware, Artificial Intelligence is where the world is moving towards. There is a vast scope for AI developers. These projects will stand as a testimonial on how equipped you are with particular skills. Each project is unique, and you’ll get to know it once you start implementing it. The implementation of these projects can be done in various fields, allowing you to try your hand in different sectors.  

Who can work on these projects?

If you are a beginner who is looking to know what Artificial Intelligence is, you can end up learning a lot while working on these projects. Is this only for beginners? No, that is also not the case. If you have the expertise, then you’ll have the upper hand. You can come up with your AI project ideas and implement them in these projects in 2020. The algorithms used in these projects are not much tedious. Beginners will get a hold of it in no time. So what are we waiting for? Let’s start.

1. Chatbots

As a beginner, you can start by creating chatbots. You’re recommended to start by creating a simple version. Several chatbots are available on almost every company website. You can check them out and identify the basic structure and can build your very own chatbots with a similar kind of structure. Once you have completed, try creating one, which is more tedious. Also, try working on different niche chatbots. Artificial intelligence gives you the freedom to open up your wings and helps you put your ideas into action.

2. E-commerce Customer Recommendation System

Have you ever wondered how an e-commerce platform comes with suggestions that you need? You might have seen ads popping up on your social media accounts related to the searches you have made.  This all is done through the customer recommendation system.

You can develop your very own customer recommendation system. To start with, you can use your browsing history. Both behavioral data and implicit data is required. There is considerable scope for recommendation system developers in the tech world. If you crack this and learn how to upskill the way to come up with a better version of the E-commerce customer recommendation system, then there is a better chance for you to end up having a career in a renowned company.

3. Stock Market Predictor

If you are good at numbers, then this one is pretty much for you. Have you come across a stock market predictor before? If not, do check them out. They are known for their accuracy based on mathematical assumptions and present circumstances. You can even get to know whether your predictor works or not within no time by keeping stock prediction cycles small. There is a massive value & demand for such systems. This project will help you to make a career in finance if mathematics is your cup of tea.

4. Sentiment Predictor

Consumer behavior is something that every online business is targeting. To know how a consumer reacts to a post will better the chances of them buying a product. Artificial intelligence can be used to identify the sentiments of consumers. You can come up with a sentiment predictor that can help analyze in what state of mind the consumer is.

This project will help you create an impression among Tier-I companies. Almost every online business has started implementing this. Now is the time to showcase your skill by implementing this project and grabbing hold of the opportunity.  

5. Flower Classification using AI

If you have an idea of coming up with a facial monitoring system or retinal identification system any time in the future, you can start small by coming with a flower classification system. You may be aware that Iris flowers are of different shapes and sizes. Based on this shape, size, and color, they can be classified as Versicolor, Virginica, and Setosa.

Using AI, come up with a system that can classify these flowers easily. As we have said before, if you’re looking to build a facial or retinal recognition system, this is where you can start. There is considerable scope for such AI developers. This project will stand as a testimonial on how equipped you are.

6. Activity Recognition system

You would have already come across stuff like smart-watches, bands, etc. Did you know that they use artificial intelligence to attain accuracy in determining your heartbeat and the number of calories you have lost based on the walking you have done?  

An activity recognition system would be a good project. Analyze how the product works and build your very own smart activity recognition system with a similar kind of structure. You’ll get to learn what algorithms are used in such applications and let us tell you that you’ll enjoy the process. Initially, start with a simple algorithm; once done, do go for a complex one. There is considerable scope for such devices, so do give it a try.

7. Wine Quality Analyzer

Using a particular set of data, you can determine the quality of the wine. You might be aware of the fact that the older the wine, the better it becomes. Several considerations are to be taken into account before validating the quality of the wine. The pH content, the percentage of alcohol, the amount of acidity are some of the few criteria to be taken into consideration.

Using artificial intelligence, you can test these factors and conclude which one is the best wine. The same thing is implemented for testing the fertility of the soil by architectures using AI. You can initially start with wine to get an unobstructed exposure to how the algorithm works. You’ll find that there are more than 4000 odd sets of data that you have to consider. This project will surely hone your AI skills.

8. Object Detector  

Have you heard of the term deep neural network? Neural networks are used by top-notch companies to carry out a different set of operations like face recognition, translation, etc. The object detector is somewhat similar to the flower classification system yet a little complex. It helps you detect a particular object with the help of artificial intelligence. If you are looking to make more of an impact with your project, then this smart object detection is the one for you.

Try developing a basic algorithm structure to start with. Once you have completed, try creating one, which is more tedious. Object detection is the same method that artificially intelligent robots implement. Virtual Reality and 3D augmentation also work on the same principle. Make the best use of this opportunity to learn and to upgrade such a skill.

9. Recommender Engine

Had it ever got you thinking while watching a video or a show on YouTube or Netflix, how similar videos pop up based on your preferences. How about creating an engine that can do the same task? Based on the behavioral and implicit activity, the algorithm can decide on your preferences and show similar content. Instead of binge-watching, you could build your very own recommender engine. To start with, you can use your browsing history. Both behavioral data, and implicit data, is required. It definitely will turn heads around.

When it comes to job opportunities, recommender engine developers are in demand. With several training institutes going digital, everyone is looking for an AI developer to come up with a recommendation system on their websites.

10. Sales Predictor

Supermarkets are a place where there is a surplus amount of products. How they manage to keep track of the sales of every product is beyond our imagination. That is where a sales predictor comes in handy. It helps you monitor stocks that come in daily and products that are sold out.  

Sales Predictor will turn out to be one heck of a project. You have to come up with an algorithm on how many products are being sold daily and predict the sales of that product on a weekly or monthly basis.

To start with, you can find vast sets of BigMart sales on the internet. Try working on those data and create a simple algorithm to predict the sales. You can also discover how many sales of a particular product happened in a year in their sales report released in 2013.

The sales predictor is definitely a project that would create a better first impression. If you find it simple, try a sophisticated algorithm and check whether it works. You’ll get to learn what algorithms are used in such applications and let me tell you’ll enjoy the process. Almost every online grocery store has started implementing this. Do give it a try.