10 Best Cities to Study Abroad in Europe in 2024

10 Best Cities to Study Abroad in Europe: Europe stands out as one of the most sought-after study-abroad destinations globally. With plenty of remarkable options available, selecting the ideal country, let alone a city to pursue studies in can prove to be quite a daunting task. Each country boasts a distinct culture and allure, making the choices seemingly boundless.

Navigating through this vast array of choices can be overwhelming. To simplify the decision-making process, we’ve curated a list of the top ten cities in Europe for studying abroad in 2024. This compilation showcases the most highly regarded and truly captivating cities to study abroad across Europe. While many amazing cities may not be included below, this list serves as an excellent starting point for researching the perfect European study destination tailored to your preferences.

Top 10 Places in Europe to Study Abroad 2024

The 10 best cities to study abroad in Europe are the cities that offer great education. All of these cities are historical and they have millions of students that are studying there today.

Here is a curated list of all the cities you can check to study abroad in Europe in 2024:

Table of Content

  • London, United Kingdom
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Florence, Italy
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Milan, Italy
  • Dublin (Ireland)
  • Cambridge, England
  • Rome, Italy
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Moscow, Russia

London, United Kingdom

London is one of the most popular cities in Europe. It has some of the most prominent universities in the world. 

Category Details
Top Universities
  • Imperial College London 
  • University of London 
  • SOAS University of London 
Average Tuition Fee per semester £27,608.80 ($31,625)
Average Cost of Living per Month £2,729.10 ($3,462.80)

 Why London:

  • London has a diverse culture that is a mix of people of different countries and cultures.
  • It has one of the world’s most popular and oldest modern universities, Oxford University.
  • London has great connectivity which allows students to travel easily in an inexpensive way.

Berlin, Germany

Another country on the list of the 11 best cities to study abroad in Europe is Berlin, which is at the center of Europe.

  • Freie Universität Berlin (98th)
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (120th)
  • Technische Universität Berlin (154th)
Category Details
Top universities
  • Freie Universität Berlin
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
  • Technische Universität Berlin 
Average Tuition Fee per semester €4,356 ($4,354.80)
Average Cost of Living per Month €2,200 ($2,413.40

Why Berlin:

  • It offers a great cultural hub for students to come and enjoy the world of German culture
  • The country Germany has always put a great emphasis on research and development for the students to grow
  • The city of Berlin, just like London, also has a great transportation system.

Florence, Italy

Italy has been the hub of civilization for two thousand years and it has given legendary people in the fields of art, history, and philosophy. Florence is a great city in Italy.

Category Details
Top university University of Florence
Average Tuition Fee per semester €1,609.30 ($1,608.20)
Average Cost of Living per Month €1,877.70 ($2,060.30

Why Florence:

  • It is great for art students as the city has been covered by the work of great Renaissance artists
  • It has the Uffizi Gallery which is one of the most popular museums for art students.
  • The city has some great infrastructure and planning so it is quite walkable for the students.

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. It has some great Universities such as the University of Lisbon and the University of Porto which have students from across the world.

Category Details
Top Universities
  • The University of Lisbon 
  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Average Tuition Fee per semester €1,925-€3,850 ($1,931-$3,843)
Average Cost of Living per Month €1,500 ($1,646

Why Lisbon:

  • It has great weather that is suitable for most types of studies
  • The city has also a great cultural history as it has over 75 museums and many film festivals also take place here
  • Compared to other European cities, it is quite affordable

Milan, Italy

Milan is very famous for its fashion shows but the city has more than fashion. It has always been on the list of 11 best cities to study abroad in Europe.

Category Details
Top Universities
  • Politecnico di Milano 
  • Università degli Studi di Milano 
Average Tuition Fee per semester €1,609.30 ($1,608.20)
Average Cost of Living per Month €1,877.70 ($2,060.30)

Why Milan:

  • It has the Institute Marangoni, which is one of the most prominent places for students to learn fashion
  • It also has other universities such as the University of Milan which offers over 100 undergraduate programs
  • Students who do jobs can also do part-time education as many universities allow this.

Dublin (Ireland)

This city has the prestigious Trinity College. It is one of the most common places for qualified students to move.

Category Details
Top Universities
  • Trinity College Dublin 
  • University College Dublin 
Average Tuition Fee per semester €1,689.76 ($1,687.61)
Average Cost of Living per Month €1,971.59 ($2,163.32)

Why Dublin:

  • Dublin has one of the most friendly people and it has a great atmosphere for the students
  • The city of small and compact so it is easy to explore the city
  • It also has a great Irish culture which makes abroad students feel comfortable.

Cambridge, England

Cambridge is another great option in the 11 best cities to study abroad in Europe. It has a vibrant culture and a great education-focused population. There’s no one in the world who is not aware of the educational scope that Cambridge offers.

Category Details
Top Universities
  • University of Cambridge 
  • Anglia Ruskin University 
Average Tuition Fee per semester £29,671.28 ($33,961.25)
Average Cost of Living per Month £2,605.05 ($2,856.45)

Why Cambridge:

  • It is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and the whole country has a very cultural atmosphere
  • It is the home of legendary scientists such as Issac Newton so it has always been focused on the education
  • It also has among the closest crime rates in all of the United Kingdom.

Rome, Italy

Rome is an important city for the development of Western civilization. It is another entry on the list of the 11 best cities to study abroad in Europe.

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Top Universities
  • Sapienza University of Rome 
  • Roma Tre University 
Average Tuition Fee per semester €1,536.15 ($1,534.50)
Average Cost of Living per Month €1,792.35 ($1,966.15)

Why Rome:

  • The city has various universities that offer plans on also almost every subject
  • It is also a great place if you want to learn a new language as English is not very common in Rome so it is a good place for language students
  • Traveling to other European cities is also quite easy.

Budapest, Hungary

The capital of Hungary, Budapest is more towards the eastern part of Europe and is one of the cheapest options in this list of 11 best cities to study abroad in Europe.

Category Details
Top Universities
  • Eötvös Loránd University 
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Average Tuition Fee per semester €1,477.55 ($1,475.50)
Average Cost of Living per Month €1,607.25 ($1,764.05)

Why Budapest:

  • It has cheap rent and also the food is quite affordable
  • The start-up scene in Budapest is also quite strong
  • It is also quite student-friendly.

Moscow, Russia

This is a place if you want to study in Europe but want to have a different cultural experience that is similar yet different from the rest of Europe. As Moscow is the European part of Russia, it is on the list of the 11 best cities to study abroad in Europe.

Category Details
Top Universities
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University 
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 
Average Tuition Fee per semester 1909.23€ (1914.75$)
Average Cost of Living per Month 2003.85€ (2204.80$)

Why Moscow:

  • It is a great place to study as Moscow is the cheapest option in this list for subjects such as Medicine
  • It has a great focus on research so if you want to have a chance to do post-graduation, you can consider Moscow
  • It also has a great nightlife.


These were the 10 best cities to study abroad in Europe, all of these cities are some of the most popular options available in Europe. If you want to study in Europe, you can consider these cities.

Most cities have programs that offer education in the English language, but in other cities, you have to learn the native language of the place to learn properly. Before making any decision, you must check all the details and stay connected with your university to find the most suitable city to study abroad in Europe for yourself.

10 Best Cities to Study Abroad in Europe in 2024 – FAQs

Is Europe a better place than Asia?

The 11 best cities to study abroad in Europe when compared to Asia are different. If you want to have a more cultural experience, Europe is a better place.

Which country is the best in Europe to study abroad?

Some of the best countries in Europe to study abroad are:

  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • Sweden

What is the cheapest country to study in Europe?

The cheapest countries to study in Europe are:

  • Bulgaria
  • Poland
  • Hungary
  • Greece

Can we get scholarships in European countries?

It all depends on the university and how it works and if they can support scholarship for foreign students or not.

Which European country is best for Indian students?

The best European Countries for Indian Students are:

  • Germany
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • Sweden
  • UK

Is the weather cold in European cities?

The weather is mostly cold in most of Europe but in some places, it can get pretty warm in the summers and in many places, it doesn’t even snow much.