10 Mistakes to Avoid When Developing React Native Apps

A leading public Q&A platform has released a 2022 Developer Survey report of late. This report states that React Native is one of the most famous software development kits and multi-platform app development tools with more than 13% of software developers already using it. That’s not all! There is another 11% of developers out there who are considering getting hold of the React Native framework. But do you know what? Creating mobile apps using React Native is not that easy. Yes, professional developers make many mistakes that lead to disastrous situations.

Top 10 Flaws That Occur During React Native App Creation

Table of Content

  • Wrong estimations
  • Bad coding practice
  • Not using foreign modules
  • Not optimizing React Native images
  • Not adhering to protocols
  • Not identifying the key perfectly
  • Left Console.log statements
  • Unattended external module codes
  • Going overboard with the bridge
  • Not using Redux

1. Wrong estimations

Although React Native allows code reusability and offers multiple reusable components for developers, they must know that page structure and app layout might vary big time across various platforms. What else? It is imperative to examine the backend’s endpoints when developing a web app. Since you will be looking after the app’s logic, it is your duty to ensure everything is coded properly. Because unless you have a clear idea of what you want to build, you can’t go precise with the cost estimation as per a renowned React Native app development services provider.


While preparing an estimate, you should take exact database architecture into consideration and plan for two separate layouts for your React Native app.

2. Bad coding practice

An important thing you must remember is that careless and unsystematic programming won’t help you include new functionalities in the app. If the needs of your application keep growing, the chances are high that you will need to keep changing the code. Since the code isn’t modular, you will have to build a considerable fresh program to address the issue.


Fortunately, there is a way to deal with such problems according to a prominent software development company. First up, don’t strive hard to find a way to proceed with the code after you have already commenced writing it. Take your own sweet time to prepare a strategy before working on the code. Make the most of proper coding conventions to make your code easily comprehensible.

For instance, an ace mobile app development services provider suggests adopting a strategy like dividing the display parts into convenient utility methods. Assign descriptive names to variables in order to differentiate between:

  • Prop kinds
  • Life cycles
  • Techniques
  • Rest of the component elements

3. Not using foreign modules

A multitude of entities out there steers clear of using foreign modules and codes. Using such modules streamlines operations and also helps in the documentation process. However, modules may stop working at some point as expected, then rendering the value demonstration of the app will become questionable.


The best advice a React Native apps development company provides is prioritizing reading the code and considering the development excellent compared to other methods for creating localized applications. By doing this, you can fix issues successfully if an undesirable module is expected.

4. Not optimizing React Native images

Websites take too much time while loading if images are not optimized nicely. For this reason, the experts of a top-notch React Native apps development agency recommend prioritizing image optimization in apps developed using RN.


It will pay off if you resize the images locally and then upload them to cloud storage and get the cdn link which can be returned with the help of Application Programming Interfaces. This way the image loading process will become extremely fast and websites will load within a few seconds.

5. Not adhering to protocols

Refusing to practice the most basic standards of React Native apps development could have terrible repercussions. It’s because the entire development process will slow down if developers do not abide by established protocols.


It is advisable to follow the best practices at all times, be it developers or designers.

6. Not identifying the key perfectly

Many times professional React Native apps developers commit a mistake that they don’t recognize the key properly. In such scenarios, whenever a list of items comes across any sort of change, the React Native framework will re-render every time. And being a React Native developer, you don’t want that to happen each time.


To address this particular problem, allocating a special key to each list item will ensure avoiding the receival of any warning from the system in the future.

7. Left Console.log statements

The main function of the console.log statements is debugging. But the catch is that they jam the JavaScript thread if left inside. What’s more? It happens often especially when they are asynchronous and rendering logics and methods. Hence, this issue can contribute majorly to slowing down your app.


The topmost React Native apps creation service provider advises not to leave console.log statements inside the app.

8. Unattended external module codes

  • Being a professional software developer, you must be aware that external modules make development professionals’ tasks a breeze as they are available with documentation. They assist with:
  • Time-saving
  • Quicker work performance
  • Simplification of the app development process
  • But if React Native apps developers fail to peruse the codes appropriately, modules can collapse causing the app to slow down to a great extent.


As a seasoned React Native apps developer, focusing on reading external module codes is immensely imperative. If done right, this step can also aid in the rectification of possible issues.

9. Going overboard with the bridge

If you remember well, the bridge comes in handy to communicate between the JavaScript runtime and the native runtime. Thus, making excessive use of the bridge can result in performance problems down the line.


  • Keep in mind to follow a few tips for avoiding overuse of the bridge during React Native apps creation, such as:
  • Utilize the bridge only when required
  • Don’t try to pass large objects over the bridge
  • Exploit libraries that avoid using the bridge, like React Native elements

10. Not using Redux

For the uninitiated, Redux is a state management library that can assist you with writing more efficient and foreseeable React Native apps. It is especially helpful for complicated applications with wads of states.


Implement the following tips to call on Redux in your React Native apps:

  • Tap Redux to handle the state of your app
  • Take advantage of Redux reducers to manage state updates
  • Utilize Redux actions to update the state of your app
  • Exploit Redux selectors to know the state of your app