Top 10 Tips to Prepare For TOEFL Exam 2024

Preparing for the TOEFL exam can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies and tips, you can achieve a high score. This article will provide you with 10 essential tips to help you effectively prepare for the TOEFL exam. Whether you are looking for the best study techniques, practice resources, or time management strategies, these tips are designed to address your needs and ensure you are well-prepared for test day. By following these expert recommendations, you can boost your confidence and maximize your chances of success on the TOEFL exam.

How to Prepare for TOEFL?

10 Important Tips for TOEFL Preparation

  1. Start Early: To succeed in the TOEFL exam, it’s important to start preparing early. Giving yourself enough time—ideally between six to eight weeks—allows thorough preparation, depending on your English level.
  2. Know the Format: Understanding the TOEFL exam’s structure is crucial. It consists of four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing, all within a four-hour time frame. Knowing this helps in creating a study plan covering all sections.
  3. Take Practice Tests: Practice tests are highly effective in TOEFL preparation. They familiarize you with the exam format, reveal strengths and weaknesses, and track progress. You can find practice tests online or in TOEFL prep books.
  4. Improve Your Vocabulary: Vocabulary is key in the TOEFL. Learn new words and use them daily in conversations and writing. Reading English materials like newspapers and books aids in vocabulary growth.
  5. Focus on Grammar: Grammar is vital too. Learn English grammar rules, including verb tenses and prepositions, through exercises and online resources.
  6. Practice Listening and Speaking: These sections require understanding and communicating in English. Practice listening to English podcasts, watching movies, and speaking with native speakers.
  7. Manage Your Time: Effective time management is crucial. Develop strategies to complete each exam section within the time limit. Allocating specific times for each section helps.
  8. Know what you’re getting into: Understanding the exam’s nuances is crucial. Know the syllabus, pattern, scoring, and university cutoffs. This ensures you’re well-prepared for exam day.
  9. TOEFL study material: Use study material only from the official ETS website. ETS provides both free and paid study materials, ensuring quality preparation.
  10. TOEFL cut-off: Universities have minimum TOEFL score requirements, known as cutoffs. Aim for scores higher than the cutoffs to make your application stand out.

TOEFL Preparation Material (Section-wise)

TOEFL exam is made up of multiple sections that come together to make the TOEFL test. Read on as we provide important section-wise preparation tips for candidates looking to prepare for the TOEFL exam. 

TOEFL Reading Tips

The reading section of the TOEFL iBT involves reading 3-4 passages and answering 10 questions on each. This section is scored based on correct reading comprehension responses, with approximately 40 questions to be answered in 54-72 minutes. Here are some tips to excel in this section:

  1. Read extensively in English to keep your mind engaged with the language.
  2. Practice reading short passages and converting them into the question-and-answer format to grasp the passage’s idea thoroughly.
  3. Utilize newspapers, periodicals, and English articles to encounter new words and understand written English.
  4. Exchange articles for grading or self-grading to gauge your progress accurately.
  5. Build your vocabulary continuously to enhance your performance in the Reading Section. A strong vocabulary is crucial for success in this section.

How to Prepare for TOEFL Reading Tips

Here are some top TOEFL reading tips and strategies to enhance your TOEFL score:

  1. Read regularly from university textbooks or other materials covering various subject areas like sciences, social sciences, arts, and business, written in an academic style. You can find academic texts online, in magazines, and in journals.
  2. Practice skimming passages to grasp the main idea instead of reading every word or sentence carefully.
  3. After skimming, read the passage again attentively and note down the main idea, key points, and important facts.
  4. Practice frequently to improve reading speed and fluency.
  5. When encountering unfamiliar words, try to guess their meaning from the context. Then, look up the words to confirm their meaning.

TOEFL Listening Tips

The listening section of the TOEFL iBT involves listening to 3-4 lectures and 2-3 conversations and answering six questions on each recording. This section is scored based on correct listening responses, with approximately 40 questions to be answered in 41-57 minutes. Here are some tips to excel in this section:

  1. Accurately take notes: Note-taking is crucial for success in the TOEFL listening exam. Practice taking accurate notes quickly, as this skill is highly valued in the test.
  2. Develop listening abilities: Build the ability to listen for extended periods and extract useful information from long audio to answer questions effectively.
  3. Understand the flavor: Understanding the genre of the conversation is key, as many questions revolve around the dialogue’s tone and style.

How to Prepare for TOEFL Listening Tips

  1. Listen for words indicating connections and relationships between ideas, such as cause/effect or compare/contrast.
  2. Anticipate what will be said next to stay focused. Stop recorded material at various points and predict the upcoming information or idea.
  3. Assess the purpose of the speech or conversation, whether it’s an apology, complaint, or suggestion.
  4. Note the formality of language and pay attention to the speaker’s tone of voice and certainty about the information presented.
  5. Make note of changes in topic or digressions during the conversation.

TOEFL Writing Tips

The writing section of the TOEFL exam requires candidates to effectively describe a topic through an essay. The response should be well-organized, and well-developed, display unity, progression, and coherence, and demonstrate syntactic variety and appropriate word choice with minor grammatical errors. Here are some tips to excel in this section:

  1. Listen to short passages or readings and write a summary to understand the recordings better. Express your interpretation of the recording in your summary.
  2. Learn different types of connecting words to show relationships between sentences and paragraphs, and connect short sentences to longer ones.
  3. Identify the writer’s opinions while listening to recordings and write about them in detail.
  4. Notice conflicting opinions in paragraphs and understand how the writer addresses possible objections. Write about them in your own words.

How to Prepare for TOEFL Writing Tips

  1. Increase vocabulary and knowledge of idiomatic speech to use it appropriately in your writing.
  2. Learn grammatical structures thoroughly to use them naturally in your writing.
  3. Master the conventions of spelling, punctuation, and layout, such as paragraph creation.
  4. Practice writing answers to questions from textbooks that include questions at the end of chapters.
  5. Read articles about 300–400 words long and create outlines with major points and details. Write summaries using different words and grammatical structures to paraphrase effectively.

TOEFL Speaking Tips

The speaking section of the TOEFL exam evaluates candidates’ ability to speak effectively in an academic setting, focusing on delivery, clarity, coherence, vocabulary, and grammar. Here are some tips to excel in this section:

  1. Practice speaking about familiar topics, both academic and non-academic, to improve fluency and confidence.
  2. Describe pictures from magazines or newspapers within one minute, varying descriptions with different adjectives and details to increase difficulty.
  3. State opinions or preferences for or against topics, providing clear, detailed reasons and using connecting words or phrases to explain opinions.
  4. Self-evaluate speaking skills by discussing preferences for activities related to student life and providing reasons for those preferences within one minute.
  5. Express opinions on current affairs by reading newspapers and online articles and discussing them with friends.

How to Prepare for TOEFL Speaking Tips

  1. Increase vocabulary and learn idiomatic speech to use language appropriately.
  2. Master grammatical structures and use them naturally when speaking.
  3. Work on pronunciation, including word stress, intonation patterns, and pauses, using available resources for pronunciation practice.
  4. Take time to think about responses before speaking, jotting down keywords and ideas without writing out responses verbatim.
  5. Use signal words and expressions to introduce new information or ideas, connect ideas, and emphasize important points for clear communication. Examples include “on the one hand…,” “but on the other hand…,” and “what that means is…”

TOEFL Exam Tips & Tricks

Here are a couple of important tips and tricks to keep in mind while writing the TOEFL Examination:

  1. Stay Positive: Keeping a positive mindset is key to success. Believe in yourself and give your best effort in the TOEFL test. Practice staying positive during mock exams to prepare for the real test day.
  2. Stay Calm: It’s normal to feel stressed on exam day but don’t let it overwhelm you. Excessive nervousness can affect your performance. Stay motivated, avoid overthinking, and approach the exam confidently. Remember, your mindset is just as important as your skills in reading, writing, and listening.


In conclusion, TOEFL success requires dedication, hard work, and smart study strategies. By starting early, understanding the exam’s format, taking practice tests, improving vocabulary and grammar, practicing listening and speaking, and managing time effectively, you increase your chances of achieving a high score.

Important Tips for TOEFL- FAQs

How to pass TOEFL exam easily?

  • Start Early
  • Know the Format
  • Take Practice Tests
  • Improve Your Vocabulary
  • Focus on Grammar

How to get better in TOEFL?

5 fast ways to improve your TOEFL score:

  • Improve your computer skills.
  • The iBT is now the most common format for TOEFL, and poor computer skills can make you nervous, careless and slow.
  • Learn how the questions work.
  • Build your memory skills.
  • Ace your essay.
  • Manage your time.

Is getting 80 in TOEFL hard?

If your current TOEFL score is ranging, somewhere around 40-50, then it would be very difficult for you to cover up to 80. A consistent and quality preparation will definitely help you in achieving that score. Contrarily, if you have a TOEFL score of 60 or even 70, then you can improve and easily achieve 80.

How is the TOEFL exam scored?

The TOEFL exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 120, with each section scored separately. The reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections are each scored on a scale of 0 to 30.

Can I take the TOEFL exam online?

Yes, the TOEFL exam is available in both online and paper-based formats. The online version of the exam, known as TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test), allows test-takers to take the exam from the comfort of their own home.