10 Tips to Prepare for a Video Job Interview

The global spread of COVID-19 has an impact on all industries in all directions. The slowdown can be seen across all industries and business processes. Recruiters are also looking into new talent-acquisition approaches to keep the recruiting process running. However, no geographical barrier will stop recruiters from interviewing the job seeker in this era of digital advancement. As a result, most hiring managers are now conducting virtual interviews commonly known as video interviews.

If you’ve never been asked to take part in a video interview when you’re looking for jobs, you’ll be there soon. The way we work, the way we compete for jobs, is fundamentally changing. This is the recruiting process for an ever-increasing number of workers.If you’re among the many people who are shy with the camera, it’s time to take steps to fix that. Your next job might depend on it, If you’re an old hand with years of conventional interviewing experience, or this is your first time on the job market, video interviews don’t have to be overwhelming. But with some practice and the right mind, you can put yourself in a position to shine as easily as you would in a face-to-face interview. There’s no need to explain what a video interview is, so let’s move straight to the main concern-how to prepare for a video interview and get the work you deserve. While the simple interview remains the same as it’s just like another interview, below are some tips to help you beat a video interview like a pro.

1. Prepare Your Environment and Test the Technology

Do a technical trial run a few days before the interview to make sure the equipment is working properly. Download any plugins or software you’ll need. If you are using Skype for Business or another video site, make sure you have a professional username, just as you would for your email address or managing social media. Check that the camera, microphone, and internet connection on your machine is working. To conduct the interview select a clean and quiet place. Especially, take care of the context that will appear behind you, and the background noise that the interview will create.

2. Trial Execution

If possible, do a practice run with a friend or family member so you have more than enough time to change if any of your equipment or software is malfunctioning. Also, register with the tool you are being asked to use for a virtual interview (Skype, Hangout, LiveCode, or any other). Most of these tools, when you first sign-in, ask you to try the setup; just do that for a safer hand.

3. Charge it Up

If you are using a laptop or tablet, make sure on the day of the interview that it is fully charged. And pick a place that has powerful Wi-Fi. Find a way to keep it stationary when you are using a tablet. Otherwise, if you hold the device the screen may appear shaky. If possible, avoid using a smartphone to do video interviews.

4. Information Collection

Also, you don’t have to think about lots of details in a physical interview. However, you need the information in a virtual interview to run it smoothly during the interview beforehand. Figure out who’s doing the interview, an easy way to connect to them if anything goes wrong (email Id, phone number, etc.), the time of the interview and who will call-you or the interview.

5. Dress Yourself Up For Success

Dress as you should, from head to toe, for an interview in person. That will make you feel more confident in doing so. Don’t try the old newscaster trick of wearing a sweatpant blazer thinking you ‘re only going to be seen from the waist up. However, stop wearing bright, shiny colors and choose one that looks neatly pressed when sitting. Wear your video interview outfit during your trial run so that you can get feedback from a friend or family member about how it looks on the screen.

6. Be a Well Trained Early Bird

Sign in five or ten minutes early so you can be calm and focused when the video interview begins. Print your resume and have it next to you, along with a job description and any talking points you want to reach, or notes you’ve taken about your business or role. You’re not supposed to want to read from the pages, but getting them handy will take some tension away.

7. Presentation

Since you have to show yourself virtually to the recruiter, clothes and body language are your greatest assets. The more relaxed and determined you look, the better the chances of being hired. Likewise, wearing a formal dress with a clean face and combed hair would also help to impress the interviewer. It’s easier for your eyes to wander around when the person you’re talking to isn’t in the room. Keep eye contact by looking directly at the camera instead of on the screen or at your own picture. Make sure that your face is centered and try not to move around. Keep a good posture, sit with your back straight, legs on the ground, and arms on your lap or desk.

8. Project and Pause

Project your voice. Check the volume controls and talk clearly so that the microphone picks up your voice and the interviewer doesn’t have to struggle to hear you. And remember that sometimes digital connections can be delayed. To avoid talking to the interviewer or having your first few words cut out, let the interviewer finish the question and pause for a few seconds before you give your answer.

9. Close Your Video Interview by Expressing Your Appreciation

Thank the interviewer for the opportunity, just as you would with any interview.In your note, briefly reiterate why you are interested in the job and why you will be a great fit for the role and the business.

10. Skill Enhancement

There is no point in discussing all of this unless you have sufficient technical skills for the job you are applying for. Work hard on your technical skills, instead. Using this time of lockdown well by constantly practicing and reviewing your abilities by engaging in contest coding, skill testing. Do participate in online coding competitions that are full of various coding contests, hiring challenges, hackathons, and webinars.