[24]7.ai Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Round 1: First Round was a 90 min online test, the test had questions from DS, C, Machine Learning, Aptitude, Logical Questions, 2 coding questions.

People who solved more than 1 coding question were selected for the next round.

My Coding Interview Experience with 24/7.ai: The coding interviews were totally on DS(Linked Lists, Strings, Arrays).

Coding Interview 1: In the first round, the questions were good, I don’t remember the exact questions, but I got asked 2 questions about singly linked lists and 1 array question, and 1 string question.

Coding Interview 2: In the second round, the questions were a little more difficult than the first round, and the questions were focused on problem-solving skills rather than DS, and I got about 6 questions, he asked me to code the first 3 questions and for the other 3 he just asked me to explain what my approach would be. One of which I remember is Level order traversal, finding loops in a singly linked list.

My suggestion, if attending this company’s interview prepare DS. It’s a must for this company.