5 Google Chrome Extensions For Codeforces

Codeforces is a website that offers programming competitions. It is run by a team of ITMO University competitive programmers led by Mikhail Mirzayanov. Codeforces claims to have surpassed Topcoder in terms of active contestants since 2013. It has approximately 600,000 registered users as of 2018.

Codeforces provide us with many options to analyze our performance in contests but we can improve it in better ways. One of the ways to achieve this is by using Google Chrome extensions that could be installed directly in our browser. This article lists some of the more famous and used Extensions that help analyze or improve our performance in contests. Here is the list of the 5 best extensions that help you use the Codeforces in a better way.

1. CF-Predictor

This is one of the best extensions that we can prefer to use. As it helps to know your rating when you are giving any contest with the rank it can predict how much your rating will increase after the contest. CF-Predictor is designed to enhance the user experience on Codeforces by providing additional features and functionality. It allows users the check their rating like how much rating of a user will increase or decrease after the contest is over.



2. CF Analytics

This is one of the best extensions that help you filter how many problems you have solved with their rating problems. The ‘Problem Rating’ graph is a bar chart that displays the number of issues solved for each problem rating. The ‘Tags Solved’ graph is a doughnut chart displaying tags solved across any problem and also listing a count for each tag.

CF Analytics allows the user to track his or her problem rating histogram, so the user can check the rating of problems he or she has solved. You can see the picture below; it will show that I have solved most of the 800 rating problems. This is a cool extension, by the way.

CF Analytics

3. Codeforces Practice Tracker

This is one of the best extensions that helps you track your practice progress on Codeforces. With this extension, you can track your practice progress in Codeforces through time phases. It simply adds a new tab to your (or any other profile’s) profile. This tab contains information on each time phase.

It also allows the user to check, like in a previous weak, how many problems he or she had solved and the maximum rating problems solved.

Codeforces Practice Tracker

4. Codeforces Enhancer

This is one of the best extensions because it supports multiple rating graphs, colorizes standings by using programming languages, and adds a “Hide/Show Solved Problems” link to the Problem Set page.

Chrome extension that makes Codeforces better: supports multiple rating graphs, colorizes standings by using programming languages, and adds a “Hide/Show Solved Problems” link to the Problem set page. Likewise, you can check with your friends which programming language he has used to solve the problems.


5. CF World Standings

This plugin filters the Codeforces rankings for a given contest to show only active competitors from a certain country. For example, I have selected my country, i.e., India, so it is solving all the participants who belong to India.