60% of what Number is 360?

360 is 60% of 600

To find 60% of a number, let’s represent the number as “x.” The equation for 60% of a number is expressed as:

0.60 × x = 360

To find the value of “x,” isolate it by dividing both sides of the equation by 0.60 and perform the division to find the value of “x“:

x = 360/0.6 = 600

So, the unknown number is 600. In other words, 60% of 600 is equal to 360.

In summary, by understanding the problem, setting up the appropriate equation, and solving for the unknown, we find that the number in question is 600.

To work with percentages in equations, it’s common to represent them as decimals. For instance, 60% as a decimal is 0.60 (derived by dividing 60 by 100). Understanding percentages is crucial in various real-world scenarios, such as finance, statistics, and everyday calculations. It helps in expressing proportions, making comparisons, and analyzing data.