7 Important Money Lessons To Learn From Money Heist

It’s crazy to think how this one, the “Money Heist” or “La Casa de Popiel” show, initially was considered to be a flop but as soon as the media giant Netflix purchased and added it to its platform it became a worldwide sensation and the whole world is singing, “Bella Ciao”, now, of course. This show is mainly about robberies, money, and heist but if we dive deeper it is also about brotherhood, love, family, and fighting against the establishment which allows us to gather some of the important takeaway key lessons.

Table of Content

  • 1. Be a Good Reader First To Become a Great Leader 
  • 2. Research and Planning Never Goes Into the Waning
  • 3. Face the Situation With Bliss and Build the Courage to Take Risks
  • 4. Team Synergy is Quite Important
  • 5. Don’t See Challenges As Problems, See Them As Opportunities
  • 6. Back Yourself With Plan-B
  • 7. Indulge Yourself Wholeheartedly In Your Targeted Goals

1. Be a Good Reader First To Become a Great Leader

It is evident and clear throughout the show that the professor is always under some sort of constant or even extreme pressure and being the mastermind behind the plan and the gang executing on, it is imperative for him as the leader to ensure the plan is executed with as much as efficiency as possible. Now of course as we see throughout the show, things never go as per the plan but it is sick to see how the professor is fully aware of this even though it’s his plan and he is navigating everyone through it from his headquarters shows his ability to read and adapt the situations. In simple words, the more you will read the better you can lead yourself and your team.

2. Research and Planning Never Goes Into the Waning

Sergio, the professor is highly thoughtful and meticulous, he appears to be very determined to pull off the greatest money heist in history after planning for it rigorously for several years, once he recruits his dream team he makes everyone religiously follow a strict schedule complete with fundamental rules to prepare for and execute the heist. His perfectionist attitude is prominent through his careful consideration and planning for all possible scenarios that could arise during his heist based on research. 

Now as an entrepreneur or business enthusiast, there are just too many uncertainties and factors that can go wrong and if you don’t research and prepare yourself for this then this is most likely going to be the cause of your failures.

3. Face the Situation With Bliss and Build the Courage to Take Risks

As per the Counter Balance Strategy, in the heat of a battle, the mind tends to lose its balance, too many things encounter you at the same time, things such as unexpected setbacks, doubts and criticisms from your own partners, and even doubts and criticisms from yourself. Responding emotionally pushes us out of our path and creates menace for us, Depression or frustration grapples us. It is vital to keep our presence of mind and maintain our mental consciousness whatever the circumstances we must actively resist the emotional pull of the moment, we should stay indecisive, confident, and assertive no matter what hits us.

4. Team Synergy is Quite Important

A team’s success is only possible by effective team efforts. The team hiring should be done based on the culture that what culture do you want to imbibe in others and who should be the perfect choice for that. It is crucial to focus on those traits while team-building

  • Shared purpose with the new member
  • Leadership quality to make decisions in extreme conditions
  • Definite role
  • Work ethics
  • Good conveying skills

It was impressive to see how the heisters have convinced the general public to join them in a rebellion, all credit goes to the remarkable team professor has built with proper planning and years of judging them from all aspects.

5. Don’t See Challenges As Problems, See Them As Opportunities

Don’t pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one – Bruce Lee

Fear is the most detrimental sentiment for your mind but it thrives on the unknown which lets our imagination run wild by consciously putting yourself in the situations where you have to face fear which dreads you until you familiarise yourself with it and your anxiety grows less each time you face it. This sensation of overcoming in tackling your fears and facing more adverse situations head-on is what brings you confidence and presence of mind, the more you face the difficult situations, the more you become battle-tested.

This is why the Professor after here in the death of Nairobi in Season-4 is able to channel his rage and emotions in a way where it drives his rational thought process to see the challenges into opportunities and overcome the grief.

6. Back Yourself With Plan-B

Throughout the story, it’s very rare that we see the professor get out of control. The presence of his mind is one of the biggest contributing factors to the gang’s success, unlike the ups and downs like at the beginning of the very first heist the tech guy Rio in the gang was shot by the police causing mass disruption and fear to spread throughout the ranks.

Now the important thing we see here is that amidst all the chaos, turmoil, and circumstances his ability allows him to choir in the chaos in his body, and by detaching himself from the thought of plan failure, he demonstrated how to get out of the tough times and be decisive, confident and aggressive to his decision-making to achieve the path to success.

There is no alarm or any sort of thing in life to make us aware of any uncertainty but we should keep ourselves backed up with Plan B or further C or D if needed.

7. Indulge Yourself Wholeheartedly In Your Targeted Goals

The Professor is no doubt anything less than a genius and he is most likely aware of how the human mind works because of his precision and mastery of his work. He realizes that the best weapon that he can have in his arsenal is by having a strong mind by being able to keep that presence of mind and how he does this by equipping his mind with two elements Mental Toughness and Internal discipline now these two attributes are not something you can just learn and read about, Like any discipline, it can only come by practice, experience and even a little bit of suffering.