7 Major Reasons PHP Developers Love Using Laravel

As we all are aware today each business is looking forward to growing its reach by going online. In fact, online presence is playing a crucial role in any business’s success. On the other hand, PHP has made enormous growth towards website development. With the advancement of technology and with the introduction of new features, a lot of new implementations have been done so far for making websites more appealing. Now, talking about Laravel, so it’s an open-source PHP web framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Ever since its launch, it became a sensation among web developers. Today Laravel is playing a major role in the field of website development.

Let’s Get To Know More About Laravel:

In the world of software development, the framework is a small piece of software that can be repeatedly being used and specially designed so that developers can use them to develop different pieces of software efficiently. The framework saves a lot of time and also provides a ready-to-go solution for the developers so that they don’t have to make everything from scratch. Laravel was released back in 2011 and is a free open-source platform that is widely being used by web developers that follows MVC architectural patterns. As per a survey, it has been ranked 2nd most used framework in PHP among GitHub users with an average rating of 60,000+ stars. Now, over a period of time, it has developed enormously among the development fields and is also being called a ready-to-go framework among developers globally and maybe that’s why it has got so much popularity.

We’ve fetched out 7 major reasons for PHP developers which will show why they love using Laravel, let’s have a look.

1. Security

The moment you decided that you want your presence all over the internet, there are a lot of challenges in their path and security is one of them. Laravel offers the CSRF token and manages all the security pathways in PHP systems. Laravel’s security system also consists of highly active support from the community including demo tutorials that help web developers in building applications.

2. Support

Being a developer requires an active community so that all the queries can be discussed over platforms and Laravel gets the full point in this. Due to its popularity, it offers huge community support which is highly active and ready to go. This community is very supportive when it comes to knowledge exchange especially for new developers where they can learn and share their queries. So, next time if you’re stuck in between, someone might help you out from that community support for sure.

3. Front-End Framework Support

One of the most inciting features of Laravel is front-end framework support. Yes, that’s right, Laravel v6 offers this feature with React.JS and Vue.JS collectively. This offers a solution for the front-end development and makes it easy for developers to and it follow the model of MVC architecture. However, the source code is licensed with MIT and is hosted by GitHub.

4. Fits for Enterprises

Since Laravel has been designed with a concept to make a strong backbone of web development. It offers developers to play contrast and open new approaches for each scale of business (small to large). It’s an open-source framework which means no more relying on third-party tools and that’s the perfect fit for enterprise-scale with full transparency. On the other hand, Laravel offers an extensive range of features, plugins, etc. that help in uplifting business websites and that too at a reasonable rate.

5. In-built Artisan

One of the best features is that Laravel offers an in-built Artisan console that helps in seeding operation. With the help of this tool, a user can call for database migration or even schedule for sending a custom message. Artisan console is popular among PHP developers as it allows them to save ample time. It’s similar to the Linux command but its command is helpful during building an application.

6. Blade Templates

This is one of the best and a popular features in PHP. In short, it’s the simple yet elegant templating engine that helps a user in creating layouts and can be easily used anywhere in PHP. The blade templates do not block a user from writing plain code in PHP templates, like other templating engines. In fact, blade templates are compiled into plain text PHP code till the time they’re overwritten or modified by any user.

7. Implicit ORM

While using PHP, one of the best features of using Laravel as its ORM (Object Relational Mapping) is called Eloquent. Though, it’s a built-in function. The Eloquent ORM makes it easier while interacting with the app database. This feature in Laravel works as a very user-friendly way for executing database queries. Besides, database migration is one of the most popular features in Laravel. PHP developers are required to interact with database objects and relationships with the help of elegant syntax. 


With these, some of the handful best features that we’ve discussed in this article make it lovable among PHP developers and it attracts more developers to start getting their hands on it. Maybe, this is one the biggest answer to its popularity, and trust us on this, it’s not going anywhere from the market in the upcoming years.