8085 program to add two 16 bit numbers

Problem: Write an assembly language program to add two 16 bit numbers by using: 

  1. 8-bit operation
  2. 16-bit operation


1. Addition of 16-bit numbers using 8-bit operation: 

It is a lengthy method and requires more memory as compared to the 16-bit operation. 


  1. Load the lower part of the first number in the B register.
  2. Load the lower part of the second number in A (accumulator).
  3. Add both the numbers and store.
  4. Load the higher part of the first number in the B register.
  5. Load the higher part of the second number in A (accumulator).
  6. Add both the numbers with carrying from the lower bytes (if any) and store them at the next location.


2000LDA 2050A ← 2050
2003MOV B, AB ← A
2004LDA 2052A ← 2052
2007ADD BA ← A+B
2008STA 3050A → 3050
200BLDA 2051A ← 2051
200EMOV B, AB ← A
200FLDA 2053A ← 2053
2012ADC BA ← A+B+CY
2013STA 3051A → 3051
2016HLTStops execution


  1. LDA 2050 stores the value at 2050 in A (accumulator).
  2. MOV B, A stores the value of A into the B register.
  3. LDA 2052 stores the value at 2052 in A.
  4. ADD B add the contents of B and A and store them in A.
  5. STA 3050 stores the result in memory location 3050.
  6. LDA 2051 stores the value at 2051 in A.
  7. MOV B, A stores the value of A into the B register.
  8. LDA 2053 stores the value at 2053 in A.
  9. ADC B adds the contents of B, A, and carry from the lower bit addition and store in A.
  10. STA 3051 stores the result in memory location 3051.
  11. HLT stops execution.

2. Addition of 16 bit numbers using 16-bit operation: 

It is a very short method and less memory is also required as compared to 8-bit operations. 


  1. Load both the lower and the higher bits of the first number at once.
  2. Copy the first number to another registered pair.
  3. Load both the lower and the higher bits of second number at once.
  4. Add both the register pairs and store the result in a memory location. 


2000LHLD 2050H-L ← 2050
2003XCHGD H & E L
2004LHLD 2052H-L ← 2052
2007DAD DH ← H+D & L ← L+E
2008SHLD 3050
L → 3050 & H → 3051
200BHLTStops execution


  1. LHLD 2050 loads the value at 2050 in L register and that in 2051 in the H register (first number) 
  2. XCHG copies the content of the H to D register and L to E register 
  3. LHLD 2052 loads the value at 2052 in L register and that in 2053 in the H register (second number) 
  4. DAD D adds the value of H with D and L with E and stores the result in H and L 
  5. SHLD 3050 stores the result at memory location 3050 
  6. HLT stops execution