ABES Engineering College Admission Experience

In the year 2022, my journey at ABES Engineering College began with an exciting admission process. As I stepped onto the campus, a sense of anticipation and eagerness filled the air. The induction period, spanning from November 14th to November 30th, marked the initiation of my college adventure. During this time, I had the opportunity to explore the sprawling campus, which felt like a maze of possibilities waiting to be unlocked.

As I roamed the campus, I found myself in the company of new faces that were soon to become close friends. The induction period provided a platform to forge connections, share stories, and bond over the shared excitement of embarking on this academic journey together. Amid ice-breaking sessions and orientation seminars, I got to know my classmates better, slowly uncovering the diverse talents and aspirations that each individual brought to the table.

Finally, on December 1st, the classes commenced. The delayed start, though unexpected, did not dampen our spirits. It compressed the usual 12-month first year into an intense yet fulfilling 9-month journey, from December to August. Despite the condensed timeframe, the curriculum was rigorous and engaging, offering a wealth of knowledge and learning experiences.

Amidst the hustle of academics, I found time to create cherished memories in my inaugural year. Late-night study sessions, group projects, and impromptu gatherings with friends wove a tapestry of moments that I will forever hold dear. From attending workshops to participating in college events, each experience added a unique thread to the fabric of my college life.

My first year at ABES Engineering College was more than just classes and assignments; it was a period of growth, discovery, and forging lifelong bonds. As the months passed swiftly, I realized that time, though fleeting, had woven a vibrant mosaic of memories that would forever define my college journey.