Accenture Interview Experience for ASE

Drawing from my five-year tenure in the IT sector, I’d like to share insights into the Accenture recruitment journey for 2023, which may prove beneficial to peers in our network.

  • Initial Phase (Online Assessment): The process commences with an online evaluation tailored to gauge your core competencies. Comprising 30 questions, achieving a score above 50% presumably paves the way to the subsequent technical interview. While opinions vary on whether this stage is eliminatory, aiming for at least a 50% mark is advisable for caution. The questions posed are of moderate difficulty, centered around your primary skill set. Surpassing this test with a score exceeding 70% could potentially yield financial advantages upon joining Accenture, though I lack personal confirmation as my career path has not intersected with Accenture’s.
  • Subsequent Stage (Technical Interview): Accenture’s protocol dictates that absent a preliminary online skills assessment, candidates face two technical interviews via video conference. Conversely, completion of the online test reduces this to a single technical round before progression to the HR interview. In my case, the second round doubled as both the concluding and sole technical assessment conducted over video. A senior interviewer posed questions for roughly half an hour. Successfully navigating this phase led to an HR video conference scheduled by my HR contact within two hours post-technical discussion.
  • Penultimate Phase (HR Discussion): During this video call, an HR representative will inquire about your compensation expectations and current earnings before indicating a follow-up.
  • Final Step: This phase isn’t an interview but is crucial nonetheless. You’ll be tasked with uploading an extensive array of documents to Accenture’s portal, which involves navigating a complex form. It’s important to note that even at this juncture, an offer letter isn’t guaranteed. There’s a common sentiment echoed online about candidates not receiving an offer despite submitting all required documents.

Advice and Insights: Exercise caution with document submission. Only proceed if the HR confirms that your salary expectations are within their hiring budget, even after some negotiation. The document upload process can be tedious, often involving multiple calls to rectify minor details on the portal.

From the outset, be transparent with HR about your salary requirements. Clarify whether their budget aligns with your expectations. There have been instances where candidates are led through the documentation process, only to be informed later that the offered salary matches their current one, leading to feelings of frustration and time wasted.