Accenture Interview Experience for ASE (On-Campus)

Hello there Beginner! 

Accenture started the recruitment process on my campus by virtually sending the Job Description and related information along with a registration link. After registering through the given link we were sent the mail regarding the profile link for their support website. 

Round 1(Cognitive and Technical Assessment): After nearly 9-10 days they have sent us the link for Cognitive and Technical assessment for the 1st round of the recruitment process. They have also sent us the time slot mail where we have to select our preferable time slot from the given. This round is basically an elimination round which if you fail to qualify you will no longer be able to participate for the rest. This test will be taken with the help of Safe Exam Browser. Make sure you check the compatibility for the system, as many of my classmates had issues with the system and were not able to sit in the recruitment process. 

About the exam:

  • Total Time Allotted: 90 minutes 
  • Exam Type: MCQs
  • Hardness Level: Easy to Medium

This exam has different sections including English Ability, Critical Reasoning and Problem Solving, Abstract Reasoning, Pseudo Code, Networking Security and others. 

Round 2(Coding Assessment): If you receive the link for this round then congrats, you qualified the first round. This coding round is also an elimination round and is very mandatory to go to the next step. There will be 2 coding questions mostly basic ones. To qualify this round you need to have basic idea of syntax, basics of any programming language of your choice. Efficient coding skills are required to clear this round. But don’t worry if you are comfortable with anyone programming language and you have good logic solving ability then you will clear this round. 

About the exam:

  • 2 Coding Questions
  • Hardness: Medium Level(Depends on the Candidate)
  • Total Time Allotted: 45 minutes

Round 3(Communication Assessment): If you have cleared both the above round you are halfway in your recruitment process. After a few days from the coding assessment round you will receive a mail with the time slot selection for the communication round. The exam will be conducted on Pearson’s own portal. It is very important to be seated in a silent room with a working microphone. There should be clarity in your voice and it should be clear and straight. Remember do not use your bluetooth earphones, they won’t work and you will face problem. Use normal wired earphones with good microphone. 

About the Exam:

  • This is a non elimination round. It has 6 sections with varying time required for each candidate to attend each question. The sections are Reading(8 ques), Listening(16 ques), Questions and Answers(24 ques), Jumbled Sentences(10 ques), Retelling a story(3 ques), Speaking(2 ques). 
  • This round checks your fluency and confidence whilst speaking in English so practice hearing voices from videos as this will help you while reading and listening rounds. In this round you will also have to answer open-ended questions, so be sure to be creative by forming proper storylines and add moral value if deemed necessary. 

Final Round(Interview): There will be only one round for both technical and HR rounds. The interviewer will ask you questions depending on what you have written on your resume. In this round they will check for your confidence, calmness and a positive attitude. Questions I was asked. 

The round starts with a basic introduction from the interviewer and interviewee. Keep a light grim on your face. Some questions asked to me are:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Explain your Final year project.
  • Some question regarding my project.
  • I have written and published a few research papers, so they have asked me a few question on those papers.
  • Why did you choose to write the paper on this topic only?
  • They have asked me a few questions about my internships and projects that I have done in the internship.
  • What are some kind of challenges, problems faced during your project and how did you deal with them?
  • Why do you want to join our company?
  • Do you have any questions for me?