Accenture Interview Experience for Associate Software Engineer 2021

Hello Beginner, I am from Electronics and Communication Engineering Department. I am sharing here my Interview Experience with Accenture for Associate Software Engineer. Hope this will help in your Accenture interview.

Round1: Cognitive Test & Technical Skills

Time duration: 90 minutes and Number of Questions: 90 

  • Basically, Round1 is the elimination round. Round1 had a cognitive Test & Technical skills assessment in which the test round and the number of questions present in each section are (English Ability-17 ques, Critical Reasoning, and Problem Solving- 18 ques,
  •  Abstract Reasoning- 15ques, Common Application, and MS Office- 12 ques, Pseudo Code- 18 ques, Networking Security and Cloud- 10 ques). 
  • When you clear Round1 you will reach round2 which is basically a coding round.

Round 2:  Coding Assessment

Time duration: 45 minutes and Number of Coding Questions: 2

  • Round2 is the Coding Assessment test, in which  2 codes are available, and the level of the first one is the easy type and the second one is medium type. 
  • When you successfully clear round2 you will reach round3 which is basically a communication assessment test. 

Round 3: Communication Assessment

Time duration: 20 minutes

  • Accenture communication test consists of 6 sections. In which (Reading- 8 ques, Listening- 16 ques, Question and Answers- 24 ques, Jumbled sentences- 10, 
  • Retelling a story- 3 ques, Speaking- 2 ques or topics). Basically, Accenture communication assessment focuses on testing the communication skills of candidates. 
  • When you successfully clear round3 you will receive an email regarding the interview.

Round 4: Interview Round

  • My interview round is basically based on HR Questions.
  • My interview took place for 15 minutes and revolved around these questions.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Explain your project in detail. your project is single or teamwork. Why did you choose this project?  From where you took the help by mentor or chrome or anywhere. Challenges faced or problems faced.
  • The technology used and problem faced in your project, how did you resolve the problems.
  • Tell me about Accenture.
  • Tell me about your final year project.
  • A situation-based problem is, how do you change your problem into an opportunity. Explain with an example.
  • Being an ECE why you choose IT.
  • And lastly, my interviewer asked do you have any questions.

That’s all about my interview experience. Thank You.