Accenture Interview Experience for Java Spring Boot Developer 22nd April 2024 ( 3+ YOE)

I have applied in Accenture for Java and Spring boot developer role for 3+ years of experience via their website, and the same day I got a call from Accenture recruitment team for scheduling the interview.

Online Test : No

Technical Interview :

Round 1 : (I hour)

Interviewer started with the small introduction of myself. After that she jumped on the coding question.
Question was find the duplicate elements from an array ( . And after this she played a rapid fire question on spring boo and Java 8 features including collections. Below are the list of questions she asked :

Java :

  • Java 8 features
  • volatile keyword and use case example
  • concurrentModification Exception
  • what is TreeHashMap and when to use, similar with HashMap and HashSet
  • Multi Threading concept and difference between wait() and notify()
  • what is the root class in java (ans is Object class) and she further asked about the methods of Object class
  • what is method refrencing

Spring Boot :

  • what is @SpringBootApplication annotation
  • use of dev tools
  • what is dependency injection
  • @ComponentScan, @Autowired and @Component
  • what is swagger and How we can config swagger in spring boot
  • what is @profile
  • Steps to connect database in spring boot
  • How to fetch data in postgreSQL(Database question)

I gave only one round on Saturday and got a call on Tuesday morning to upload the documents, and By evening I got a call from HR to negotiate my salary that call around 10 min and on the same day I received my offer letter.