Accolite Digital Interview experience (On Campus) 2022

Accolite Digital came to our college to hire 6 months intern+FTE on 1 September 2021

There were 5 rounds in total and it was a 2-day process

3 branches were allowed: CSE, IT, ETC

Round 1 (Online MCQ test): This round totally consisted of MCQ’s. I think it had 30 MCQs to be answered in 1hr. The questions were fairly straightforward and from topics like DBMS, SQL queries, CN, Software Engineering.

Round 2 (Online coding test): This round was conducted on Accolite’s in house Eduthrill platform. Again, it was of 1hr. It had one coding question which was of medium difficulty from bit-manipulation. The catch here was we have to write a few unit tests as well and you can only code in the language which you have opted for.

Round 3 (1:1 Technical Round): This round lasted around 70 minutes. First, Interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then she asked me to explain any one of my projects and she also asked me to share my screen and show some code snippets. My project was based on MEVN full-stack application. She asked me some cross questions as well, this discussion lasted about 15 minutes. After that, she asked me to open any online code compiler and write full working functional code for Finding an intersection node of two singly-linked lists. I told her both the approaches and coded the efficient approach. After that, she gave me one more question: FInd out the frequency of all the elements in an array, I solved it using HashMap. In the last 10-15, she asked me a few DBMS concepts like Indexing, B/B+ trees, and also one simple SQL query.

Round 4 (1:1 Technical Round): This round lasted for about 50 minutes. The interviewer directly gave me a DSA question without asking for the intro. The question was: Given a root node of the tree, prints its zig-zag traversal. I coded it using the 2 queue approach. After that, she asked me a few DBMS and OS questions like explaining all available types of available joins in the Oracle database, 2 SQL queries on joins, explaining Virtualization in OS, segmentation vs paging.
In both the interviews, there was more focus on DSA and core subjects. I wasn’t asked about the techs that I have mentioned in my resume.

Round 5 (1:1 HR Round): This round lasted about 15 minutes and standard HR questions were asked. They were:

  • Why Accolite
  • What do you know about Accolite
  • Your strengths and weaknesses
  • Have you ever worked in team?
  • Where do you see yourself after 5 years.

This round didn’t go well for me, because I haven’t researched about the company prior to this round because all the rounds happened on a single day. Also, my articulation was poor during this.
I was rejected after this round.

Total 6 people from our college got selected and I wasn’t one of them.