Accolite Interview Experience for FTE+Internship (Off-Campus 2020)

I applied for Accolite via a Hiring challenge AHC 11.0 Tech Fresher Hiring on Eduthrill. It was an off-campus drive and there were no CGPA criteria. There were a total of 4 rounds and each one was an elimination round.

Round 1: Round 1 was held on Eduthrill where you have to do a minimum of 20 assessments and each assessment was of about 2-3 minutes, each assessment consists of 5 MCQ based questions. There were basic DS, DBMS, OS, SQL, CN, and aptitude questions present. The minimum success ratio required was 60.

Round 2: Round 2 was a coding round where you have to solve 1 coding question within 1 hour. The level of coding questions was medium, and I was able to do that.

Round 3: It was a technical round held on skype. He asked me to introduce myself. Then he asked me whether I knew OOPS concepts. I explained all the OOPS concepts with real-time examples.

  1. Then the interview went with programming.  
  2. Merging point in linked lists.  
  3. Reversing linked list
  4. Merging two sorted arrays.
  5. Programs on trees
  6. He asked me to write an SQL query for the given table


ID  name  zipcode
1 CityA  99922
2 CityB  21212


ID name city_id  amount
1 CustA     1 900
2 CustB     1 100
3 CustC     1 300
4 CustD     2 400


CityName  CountofCustomer
CityA  3
CityB 1

Round 4: It was also a technical round held on Google meet.

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Explain your project as it was mentioned in the resume.
  3. Few questions from the project.
  4. Questions on OOPS concepts
  5. Real-time examples of OOPS concepts.
  6. Questions of web development (based on a resume)
  7. Implementation of trees
  8. BFS and DFS on trees.
  9. Traversals of trees.
  10. Given an integer array, find the contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum and return its sum. (Answered with kadane’s Algorithm)

Verdict: Selected (Intern+FTE)