Accommodation of Social Diversity

With the accommodation of social diversity, citizens lead a peaceful and harmonious life in a democracy. This phenomenon takes place when there is an accommodation of social divisions. Strong examples of social accommodation countries include India and Belgium.

What is Accommodation of Social Diversity?

Societies cannot permanently resolve conflicts among the different sections of people. But learning to respect these differences among the groups can help to resolve most differences and also negotiate among the same. Democracy is one of the best-suited examples for producing this outcome.

The ability to accommodate social divisions, differences, and also conflicts is one of the important positive aspects of democracy. India is a vast and very diversified country with various cultures, traditions, castes, religions, languages, and different ethnic groups. The Constitution of India ensures that there is equal participation of all the people of the country irrespective of differences. Equal representation of both minorities and the majority is present in India. People are united in folds of geography, linguistics, and politics; which helps in the accommodation of social diversity.

Example of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island country with over 2 crore population and has diversity in them. The majority of them are the Sinhala-speakers and the others is Tamil-speakers. Tamils have two subgroups- Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils.

Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in 1948 and the Sinhala community wanted to establish dominance on the basis of the majority. As a result, majoritarian measures for establishing the supremacy in Sinhala community. In 1956, an Act was passed that recognized Sinhala as the official language. All these government measures increased feelings of alienation among Sri Lankan Tamils. Because of this, there was a strain on the Sinhala and Tamil communities over time.

By the 1980s, several political organizations were formulated for demanding an independent Tamil state in northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka. The distrust between the two communities turned out to be civil war and resulted in huge-scale killings from both communities; which caused a terrible setback to the social and economic life of the country.

Democracy Must Fulfill

The ability for handling social diversities, divisions, and conflicts is a positive aspect of the democratic system. The example of Sri Lanka points to two important functions of democracy:

Firstly, it is vital to understand that democracy is not the rule of majority opinion alone and that the majority needs to work along with the needs of the minority so that there is a proper representation of the general mass view.

It is necessary that the rule of the majority doesn’t become the rule by a majority in terms of religion or race. It means, in the case of every decision, different people and groups may and can form the majority. If anyone is prohibited to be in the majority based on birth then democracy ceases to accommodate a person or group.

Vote-Based System

A vote-based system obliges social variety in the accompanying ways:

  1. It gives balance, freedom, and fair portrayal to all individuals independent of their position, doctrine, shading, race, religion, language, or spot of home. For instance, in India, separation among individuals based on rank, class, and orientation is deserving of regulation.
  2. It guarantees that minorities work in close collaboration with the greater part. It never gives an unreasonable inclination to the greater part local area. For instance, in Belgium, the rulers were ready to share power and oblige the sensible requests of minority local areas.
  3. There is a propensity for orientation segregation wherever on the planet. Lady is separated without a doubt. A majority rules system guarantees correspondence of orientation. The guideline of orientation correspondence is cherished in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, and Directive Principles.

India is a majority-rule Republic State. It is a vote-based system. Here, the Constitution is the incomparable law of the country through which the chosen government sources power. India is a huge country with a huge variety, be it as far as customs, positions, societies, shading, religions, races, dialects, and ethnic groups. This could bring forth struggle because of the numerous distinctions, be that as it may, it can’t be eliminated. It very well may be obliged all things being equal. This implies a settlement of the distinctions between different networks and individuals in India. 

The Indian Constitution implements the equivalent cooperation surprisingly in different workplaces and establishments independent of contrasts. The equivalent portrayal of minorities is strived for and guaranteed, alongside the majority. The basic privileges and interests surprisingly, all residents of India, are secure, regardless of customs, stations, societies, shading, religions, races, dialects, and ethnic gatherings. India is a mainstream country by regulation and this ensures every single individual tries and practices, proliferates, and affirms their own religion, as a right, without impedance. There is solidarity in variety topographically, etymologically, and politically which obliges social variety. The convenience of social variety in majority rules government assists the residents with driving a tranquil and amicable life. This happens when different kinds of social divisions are obliged. India and Belgium are the nations that are instances of the convenience of social variety.

No general public can completely and forever resolve clashes among various gatherings. Be that as it may, we can absolutely figure out how to regard these distinctions and we can likewise develop systems to arrange the distinctions. A majority rules the government is the most appropriate to create this result. A majority rules government obliges social variety as it considers uniformity, and fair portrayal to all independent of their station, belief, shading, race, religion, language, or spot of home.

A vote-based system likewise guarantees that the public authority ought not to be made by the larger part yet it ought to have the portrayal of minorities also. A majority rules system is the best type of government to oblige social varieties assuming it must satisfy a few essential circumstances. They are:

  • Free and fair decisions.
  • The majority rule ought not to be regarding religion or race or etymological gatherings.
  • The majority ought to continuously work in consonance with the minority.

How would we survey a majority rules government’s results?

A vote-based system is a superior type of government in light of the fact that:

  • Advances balance among residents.
  • Improves the poise of the person.
  • Works on the nature of the independent directors.
  • Gives a technique to determine clashes.
  • Permits space to address botches.

FAQs on Accommodation of Social Diversity

Q 1. Explain the accommodation of social diversity.


Accommodation of social diversity in context of democracy is that it helps citizens to lead a harmonious and peaceful life. This happens only when the social divisions of various types are accommodated properly.

Q 2. Discuss the accommodation of social diversity in the Indian context.


In context of India, India is a very diversified country in terms of culture,caste,religion and so forth. Conflicts are bound to happen and can never be removed. The Constitution of India should ensure equal participation of all people irrespective of the differences.

Q 3. What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities?


  1. Government should ensure that general views of both majority and minority are respected.
  2. Rule of majority is not the rule of majority community should be ensured.

Q 4. Which form of government is considered the best?


Democracy is the best type of government as people have right in choosing their leaders and also freedom of speech is possible.