Accountable, Responsive and Legitimate Government

The quality of government, economic well-being, inequality, social diversity, freedom, and dignity can all be used to measure the predicted and actual outcomes of democracy. Democracy is a form of government that can establish conditions for attaining its aim, according to the results. Citizens can take advantage of these circumstances to achieve their objectives. Democracy is thought to be a superior form of government to other options because of it:

  • Fosters equality among citizens
  • Enhances an individual’s dignity
  • Improves the quality of decision-making
  • Gives a way of resolving problems
  • Allows room for mistakes to be corrected.

Accountable, Responsive and Legitimate Government

Political Consequences

Democracy’s political outcomes are the accountable, responsive, and legitimate government.

Accountable, Responsive, and Legitimate Government

In a democracy, the government that is accountable and responsive to its citizens is the one that is accountable to them. It is in charge of making all decisions on behalf of and in accordance with its citizens’ wants and expectations. It is the government’s responsibility to follow protocols before making any decisions. If the government has made a mistake, it must admit and remedy it right away.  Non-democratic regimes, on the other hand, are unconcerned about citizen complaints. They are also unconcerned with what the general public thinks. It makes hasty decisions that are unpopular with the general public. As a result of democracy, a government that follows procedure and is accountable to the people emerges.

A valid government in a democracy is one in which all of the country’s laws apply equally to all of its residents. People are governed without fear or favor in this government. A genuine government should pay attention to the people’s needs and desires. A democratic government may be slow, inefficient, and unresponsive at times, but it is still the people’s government. As a result, the concept of democracy enjoys widespread acceptance around the world. As a result, it is unquestionably a more effective and lawful form of government.

The government is always held accountable in a democracy. Citizens have the right to vote them out in the next elections if any of the policies and laws are not effectively executed. Furthermore, citizens can approach the judiciary in a democracy if the government has taken measures that are detrimental to citizens’ well-being.

Reasons for Democracy’s Accountability, Responsiveness, and Legitimacy

When people begin to act in response to the government’s insensitivity to their goals, the government can be held accountable. Protests, campaigns, and rallies can be organized by citizens to force the government to respond. A democratic government is legal because it is elected by citizens and enjoys the public’s faith and trust.

The right to select their rulers and have authority over them is given to the people. Citizens can have a say in how decisions are made. Democracy emphasizes the need of following rules and procedures while making decisions. As a result, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was made in accordance with the proper procedures can do so. When the government solicits public input on certain laws or policies, citizens can participate in the decision-making process. A democratic government is one that is run by the people for the people. Representatives elected by the people reign over them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. “Democracy is a concept that is widely accepted all across the world.”Back up your claim.


The concept of a democracy enjoys widespread acceptance around the world since it has the ability to address all socio-economic and political issues. Regular and free elections are held in a democracy, and there is always room for open public debate. Citizens elect their rulers in a democracy. People want to be ruled by representatives they have elected. A valid government is one that is based on democracy. 

Q 2. How do democratic governments maintain transparency? Explain. 


Transparency is ensured by democratic governments in the following ways:

  • In a democracy, citizens have the ability to pick and control their representatives. People have the right to take part in the decision-making process that affects them all. As a result, a democratic form of government generates a government that is accountable and responsive to its citizens’ needs.
  • Democracy allows for debate, which may delay the implementation process, but it is a healthy and beneficial means of making decisions in the long run. 
  • Democracy also guarantees that decisions are made in accordance with a set of rules and processes.
  • As a result, if a citizen wants to know if a decision was made using the right and unbiased procedures, he or she has the option to learn about it by thoroughly studying the procedure, assuring openness.

Q 3. What are the circumstances in which democracies allow for social diversity?


By focusing on all of society’s communities, social diversity can be accommodated. Equal attention should be paid to both the majority and minority communities. Democracy is not based on majority rule. Both the majority and the minority work together in democratic countries to achieve national progress and development. It is also critical to recognize that the majority rule is not articulated in terms of religion or language. In a democracy, anyone or any group can become the majority.