Actin Filaments

Actin filaments are microscopic, filamentous structures present in the cytoskeleton. Actin filaments function in cell movement, providing structural support, and facilitating cellular processes such as cytokinesis and cell division. These filaments are dynamic polymers made up of actin protein subunits that create complex networks within cells. In this article, we will look at the structure, function, and dynamics of actin filaments and how they affect cellular functions.

Table of Content

  • What is Actin Filament?
  • Structure of Actin Filaments
  • Dynamics of Actin Filament
  • Comparison Among Different Actin Binding Proteins
  • What are the Cellular Processes of Actin?
  • Functions of Actin Filaments
  • Difference Between Actin Filaments and Microtubules

What is Actin Filament?

Actin filaments (micro-filaments) are dynamic structures that are made up of actin protein subunits. They are one of the three major components of the cytoskeleton elements, along with microtubules and intermediate filaments. They are required for maintaining cell shape, supporting cellular structures or organelles, allowing cell mobility, and helping cellular functions such as transport.

Actin filaments are dynamic, with continous polymerization and depolymerization of the actin (they are not fixed). This is influenced by the involvement of actin-binding proteins that control filament construction, disassembly, leading to stability. They serves as ways for motor proteins like myosin, which allows cellular movement such as contraction of muscles, cell migration, and transport of intracellular proteins.

Structure of Actin Filaments

Actin filaments consist of globular actin (G-actin) subunits that polymerize into long, filaments that are parallel and helical. This polymerised structure is known as filamentous actin (F-actin). The filament has a repeating units which are of 37 nm size, and each G-actin subunit is 5.5 nm in diameter. This polymerization of G-actin into F-actin results in polarized structures with distinct “barbed” and “pointed” ends. These ends can elongate or shorten by the addition or removal of G-actin subunits at either end of the filament.

Some of the key structural properties of actin are as follows:

  • Composition of the subunits: G-actin is the subunit that polymerise into F-actin
  • Polarity: They are polar in nature, with separate barbed (or positive) and pointed (or negative) ends.
  • Helical Structure: The arrangement of G actin subunits causes actin filaments to form a helix.
  • Binding Sites: They have binding sites for several regulatory proteins, affecting their stability and dynamics.

Structure of Actin Filaments

Dynamics of Actin Filament

The dynamic nature of actin filaments is crucial for their cellular functions. Some important aspects include:

  • Polymerization and depolymerization: Actin filaments undergo constant making and breaking, as G-actin polymerise onto the barbed end and de-polymerize from the pointed end.
  • Regulation by actin-binding Proteins: Various actin-binding proteins modulate assembly of the filament, disassembly, and stability, thereby influencing various cellular processes.
  • Cytoskeletal rearrangements: They undergo rearrangements in response to extracellular signals, altering cell shape, movement, and function.
  • Cross-linking of the filaments: Proteins such as cofilin and fimbrin regulate filament severing and cross-linking. This impacts filament organization and dynamics.

Comparison Among Different Actin Binding Proteins

Different binding proteins and their function along with effect on actin filament



Effect on Actin Filament


Binds to the actin monomer

Aids actin polymerization


Filament severing and depolymerization

Promotes actin dynamics


It is the motor protein for actin filament movement

Cellular motility and contraction


Regulates actin-myosin interactions

Stabilizes actin filaments

What are the Cellular Processes of Actin?

Some cellular processes that use actin filaments are as follows:



Cell Migration

Directed movement of cells

Muscle Contraction

Movement in muscle cells by contraction and relaxation


Engulfing materials into cells via actin-mediated processes (phagocytosis, pinocytosis)


Involved in cell division


It is major component of the cytoskeleton of the cell. Maintains cell shape and provide structural support.

Cell adhesion

They are involved with attachment of cells to structures, such as focal adhesions.

Intracellular transport

They are involved in intracellular transport mechanisms, facilitating vesicle mobility.

Cellular protrusions

They generate cellular protrusions called filopodia, which help in cell communication

Functions of Actin Filaments

Actin filaments are involved in many cellular finctions such as:

  • Cellular movement and shape: These filamenys maintain cell shape and facilitate movement of the cell, enabling migration, engulfing particles, and cytokinesis.
  • Structural support through cytoskeleton: They form dynamic cytoskeleton of the cell, which gives structural support and connects the interior cell organelles.
  • Endocytosis or pinocytosis: They assemble at the plasma membrane and facilitate internalization of an endocytic vesicle.
  • Motility: Bacteria use actin filaments to assemble a comet tail for propulsion or motility through the cytoplasm.
  • Cytokinesis: In eukaryotes, actin filaments are responsible for cell cytokinesis by constricting belt of actin filaments.

Difference Between Actin Filaments and Microtubules

Some differences between actin filaments and microtubules are given as follows:


Actin Filaments



They are thin helical filaments with 7 nm diameter

These are cylindrical tubes that are hollow with a diameter of 25 nm


Made up of G proteins as subunits

They are made up of alpha and beta tubulin which are the subunits


Cellular movement, cytokinesis, cell division, cytoskeletal component

Provide tructural support to the cell, responsible for transport and organisation


Are polar in nature

Are polar in nature (with assembly and dissembly)

Motor Proteins

Myosin which is responsible for the contraction of the cell

The motor proteins are dyneins and kinesins which are responsible for intracellular transport

Conclusion – Actin Filament

Actin filaments are cytoskeleton components. They play important in cell shape, motility, and signalling. Understanding the structure, dynamics and function of actin filaments helps in our better understanding of the cellular processes and its implications on physiological and pathologic conditions. This may help to discover new treatment targets for disorders due to abnormal cytoskeletal dynamics by unraveling the complicated mechanisms governing actin filament activity.

FAQs on Actin Filaments

Describe the Structure of an Actin Filament?

Actin filaments are helical polymers made up of monomeric actin (G actin) proteins. These filaments are made up of actin monomers twisted around each other to form a double helix.

What is the Role of Actin Filament in a Cell?

Actin filaments are essential for ellular activities such as cell motility, maintainence of cell shape, cytokinesis, intracellular transport, and cell signalling.

How do Actin Filaments Affect Cell Motility?

Actin filaments, together with myosin motor proteins, provide the force required for cell movement. They generate structures known as lamellipodia and filopodia, which extend and retract during cellular movement.

What are the Regulatory Proteins Involved in Actin Filament Dynamics?

Proteins that bind to actin monomers or filaments include cofilin, profilin, tropomyosin, and other actin-binding proteins.

How do Actin Filaments Affect Cell Division?

Actin filaments are important in processes such as cytokinesis, in which they form a contractile ring that constricts the cell while it divides. They also influence chromosomal mobility and placement during mitosis.

What Diseases Arise due to Disfunction of Actin Filament?

Abnormal actin filament function has been linked to a variety of diseases, including muscular dystrophies, cancer metastasis, neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, and problems in cell migration.