ADD PPP Command in PPP Configuration

To use a physical layer, ADD command, as the name suggests, is required to add synchronous port, ISDN call, ACC call, MIOX circuit, etc. simply to the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) interface. There are several parameters included in this command. Some of the parameters are given below :

  1. OVER parameter :
    It is required to specify the physical interface over which PPP interface will run.

  2. AUTHENTICATION parameter :
    It is required to specify the authentication protocol to be required on physical interface or channel. In this, Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is used if CHAP is specified, Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is used if PAP is specified, none of the authentication protocol is required if NONE is specified, etc.

  3. CBDELAY parameter :
    It is required to specify the delay, in tenths of a second, among bringing down a call for callback and generally making the call back to the peer.

  4. CBMODE parameter :
    It is required to specify whether or not a callback request will be made or accepted during LCP negotiation.

  5. CBNUMBER parameter :
    It is required to specify the total number to must include when requesting a callback request with the CBOPERATION parameter set to E164NUMBER.

  6. COMPALGORITHM parameter :
    It is required to specify the compression algorithm to get used during compressing and decompressing PPP packets.

  7. CBOPERATION parameter :
    It is required to specify the callback operation that is needed to be included in the callback request to simply specify to the peer about how to determine and identify the callback number.

  8. COMPRESSION parameter :
    It is required to enable and allow compression for the physical interface that is being added.

  9. CONFIGURE parameter :
    It is required to set the total number of configuring requests that are sent or transmitted before some action is being taken.

  10. LQR parameter :
    It is required to set the LQR timer.

  11. MODEM parameter :
    It is required to specify the state of synchronous modem control.

  12. NUMBER parameter :
    It is required to specify the total number of physical interfaces that are needed to be added.

  13. PREDCHECK parameter :
    It is required to specify the type of CRC that is needed to be used for Predictor compression.

  14. RESTART parameter :
    It is required to specify the time among successive re-transmissions of unacknowledged configure requests or terminate requests.

  15. STACCHECK parameter :
    It is required to specify the check mode that is used for the Stac LZS compression algorithm.

  16. TERMINATE parameter :
    It is required to set the total number of terminate requests that are sent or transmitted when simply trying to close or end a link before it is being assumed or considered that the link is down.

  17. TYPE parameter :
    It is required to specify the actual role of the physical interface simply for bandwidth on demand and leased line backup.

Syntax –

ADD PPP=ppp-interface OVER=physical-interface
    [CONFIGURE={CONTINUOUS|value}] [LQR={time|ON|OFF}] 


  • ppp-interface=
    PPP interface number.

  • physical-interface=
    SYNn, ISDN-callname, ACC-callname, MIOXn-circuitname, TNL-callname or TDM-groupname.

  • e164number=
    Phone number that contains 0-9 digits simply to dial when performing a callback.

  • value=
    Retry threshold.

  • time=
    Timer value in seconds.

  • number=
    Number of PPP interfaces needed to be added.