Adjustment of Interest on Drawings in Final Accounts (Financial Statements)

Drawings is the amount withdrawn by partners for their personal use from the business. Therefore, the firm charges a certain rate of interest for the amount withdrawn by partners. The interest on Drawings is considered an income for the firm and an expense for the partners.


A. If Interest on Drawings is given outside the trial balance:

In such case, two effects will take place –

  • Interest on Drawings will be shown in the Cr.. side of the Profit & Loss A/c, being an income for the business.
  • It will be added to the Drawings A/c  and subtracted from the Capital A/c in the Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet.

B. If Interest on Drawings is given Inside the trial balance: 

In such a situation, Interest on Drawings will only be shown in the Cr. side of the Profit & Loss A/c, being an income for the business.


The following adjustments were noted:

  • Interest on Drawings is to be charged at 10% p.a. These Drawings have been made at the beginning of the year.
  • Interest on capital @ 5% to be provided.
  • Salary to be provided to proprietor i.e. 5000.
  • Interest on loan to be provided at 6% p.a.
  • Interest on Bank Deposits is to be provided @ 4%.
