Adobe Interview Experience | 4 Years Experienced

Technical Round(1 hr): Problem-solving skills checked in this round

  1. Similar to I was asked to find square root of closest number without using sqrtRoot() func.

    For Ex: 

  2. I first told brute force technique and then array reversal technique. He asked for another possible solution like divide and conquer.
  4. I told level order traversal approach. But interviewer asked to do it in constant space. Told recursive solution
  5. Given an array of boxes. each box has l,w,h. stack boxes to get max height, such that box having smaller area placed above a box.

    I asked if l,w,h are fixed or any dimension can be used. He asked to first consider fixed dimensions and later on to move on:

    Variable dimensions.
    3. 2,5,4  
    2. 3,4,28
    1. 2,6,18    

    Told approach to sort array on the basis of area and height and then linearly traverse array and store max. height value for an area val.

    Then question modified to

Technical Round(1 hr): As I was not much comfortable in Java, they asked concept related and OOPS related problems majorly

  1. Code of singleton class and all questions related to make it synchronized, double lock checking, early initialization, drawback of early initialization.
  2. When Singleton class is garbage collected?
  3. Memory Management in Java? heap/stack
  4. Why string pool concept required in java?  Why String class immutable in java?  
  5. How to make your own immutable class in java?
  6. Inheritance OR composition? Which one is preferred and why?
  7. Dependency injection?  
  8. Technique of Garbage collection?  
  9. Memory leak?  
  10. How HashMap works internally? What methods we need to override to make key class eligible for working as Key?  
  11. If 2 object refs pointing to same object, will there hashcode be same? Why we need to define our own hashcode() func?
  13. Which collection in java follows Strategy pattern?  
  14. collections.sort(); Does this follow strategy design pattern?
  15. Observer pattern?  
  16. How multiple threads can be joined and interact with each other?

Managerial Round(~50 mins):

  1. Spiral order traversal of binary tree.

    I wrote code using 2 stacks. Then he asked to reduce 2 stacks to 1. I mentioned that with 1 stack it’s not possible, however deque can be used.

  2. Remove all adjacent occurrences of similar characters in string

    Told brute force approach of using 2 loops , time complexity (n*n). He asked to optimize it and gave hint to use some space.

  4. How many types of polymorphisms?
  5. immutable class. How can we make an immutable class?

Director Round(1 hr):

  1. Matrix size in order of n*m and n and m may or may not be equal.
  3. Ways to crash program either in java and what exception will be thrown in each case?
  4. Output-based program


    Activity A{
        Rect mRect = new Rect(10,20);
        Void foo(Rect r)
        { r = null; }
        Void foo1()
         Println(mRect.left, mRect.right); // what will it print?  

