Advanced Collaboration Features in Figma: Comments, Annotations, and More

What is Advanced Collaboration?

Advanced collaboration in Figma means that multiple people can work on the same design project at the same time, leave comments directly on the design, track changes, and share their work easily, all in one place. This makes it easy for teams to communicate, give feedback, and stay organized, even if they are working remotely.

Advanced Collaboration Features in Figma

Why do we use Advanced Collaboration?

We use advanced collaboration in Figma to enable multiple team members to work together efficiently on design projects, provide real-time feedback, maintain version control, and share work easily. This improves communication, speeds up the design process, and helps keep everyone organized, even when working remotely.

There are Several Types of Advanced Collaboration in Figma

  1. Real-Time Collaboration
  2. Comments and Feedback
  3. Annotations
  4. Version History
  5. Sharing and Permissions
  6. Live Embeds
  7. Plugins and Integrations

1. Real-Time Collaboration:

One of Figma’s standout features is its real-time collaboration capability. Multiple team members can work on the same design file simultaneously, seeing each other’s changes as they happen. This eliminates the back-and-forth of version control and ensures that everyone is always working on the most up-to-date version of the design. The ability to see real-time cursors and selections of other collaborators further enhances this experience, making it feel as though everyone is in the same room, even when they are miles apart.

Key features of real-time collaboration in Figma include:

  • Simultaneous Editing: Multiple users can work on the same design file at the same time, with changes visible to all collaborators in real-time.
  • Live Cursor Tracking: Collaborators can see each other’s cursors and selections, providing visibility into who is working on which part of the design.
  • Instant Updates: Changes made by one user are immediately reflected for all other collaborators, ensuring everyone is working on the latest version of the design.

You Can see the live movement of cursor of other invited designer in pink color box

2. Comments and Feedback

Comments are a fundamental part of Figma’s collaboration toolkit. Team members can leave comments directly on the design, pinning them to specific elements to provide clear and contextual feedback. This feature supports threaded discussions, allowing for in-depth conversations about specific design choices without cluttering the main workspace.

Key features of Figma’s commenting system include:

  • Pinning Comments: Attach comments to specific parts of the design to show exactly what element the feedback is about.
  • Mentions: Tag team members using the @ symbol to notify the right people about the feedback.
  • Resolved Comments: Mark comments as resolved once the issue is addressed to keep things organized and clear.

You can Comment with mentions in left box and you, and other person can see your comment in right box

3. Annotations:

Annotations in Figma go beyond simple comments. They are used to provide detailed notes and explanations directly within the design file. Annotations can be particularly useful for:

Features of Annotations:

  • Design Specifications: Documenting design decisions and specifications directly on the design, ensuring that developers and other stakeholders have all the necessary information at their fingertips.
  • Prototyping Notes: Adding interactive notes for prototypes to explain user flows and interactions.
  • Educational Purposes: Creating learning resources or design documentation that guides new team members or clients through the design process.

You can create Annotations for learning purpose in a text box under shape.

4. Version History:

Figma’s version history feature allows teams to track changes over time, making it easy to review and revert to previous versions of a design. This is particularly useful for collaborative projects where multiple people are making changes. Each version is timestamped and attributed to the team member who made the changes, providing a clear audit trail.

Key aspects of version history include:

  • Named Versions: Important milestones can be saved as named versions, making it easy to reference specific stages of the project.
  • Detailed Change Logs: Each version includes a detailed log of changes, allowing teams to see exactly what was modified.

You can Check your design version history in Right panel in Box

5. Sharing and Permissions:

Figma makes it easy to share design files with stakeholders and control access through granular permission settings. Designers can invite collaborators with view-only access or full editing rights, depending on the level of involvement required. This ensures that sensitive designs remain secure while still allowing for broad collaboration.

Key features of Sharing and Permissions in Figma:

  • Flexible Access: Grant view-only or editing permissions to control who can see or modify the design.
  • Link Sharing: Share designs easily via a link with specific access settings.
  • Team and Project Permissions: Manage access for entire teams or specific projects to streamline collaboration.

Share the file with any one you want to share and manage permissions

6. Live Embeds:

For teams that need to share their designs outside of Figma, the live embed feature is invaluable. Designs can be embedded into external websites, project management tools, and documentation platforms. These embeds are live, meaning any updates made in Figma are automatically reflected wherever the design is embedded.

Key features of Live Embeds in Figma:

  • Real-Time Updates: Embedded designs automatically update with changes made in Figma, ensuring everyone sees the latest version.
  • Easy Integration: Embed designs into websites, blogs, and tools like Notion or Confluence with simple code snippets.
  • Interactive Prototypes: Allow viewers to interact with live prototypes directly within the embedded context.

Copy embed code and paste the copied embed code into the HTML of your website or any platform that supports HTML embeds.

7. Plugins and Integrations:

Figma’s ecosystem of plugins and integrations further enhances its collaborative capabilities. Plugins can automate repetitive tasks, integrate with other tools like Slack and Jira, and add new functionality to the design workflow. This extensibility allows teams to tailor Figma to their specific needs, making collaboration even more efficient.

Key features of Plugins and Integrations in Figma:

  • Extended Functionality: Enhance Figma’s capabilities with plugins that automate tasks, add new tools, and streamline workflows.
  • Custom Plugins: Develop and install custom plugins tailored to your team’s specific needs.
  • Community Contributions: Access a wide range of plugins created by the Figma community to solve common design challenges.

Integrating Freepik Plugins with design

Benefits of Advanced Collaboration

  • Efficiency: With real-time collaboration, teams can work together simultaneously, speeding up the design process and reducing time-to-market.
  • Improved Communication: Advanced collaboration tools like comments and annotations facilitate clear communication, ensuring that everyone understands feedback and design decisions.
  • Enhanced Feedback Loop: Comments, annotations, and mentions allow for quick and targeted feedback, leading to iterative improvements and better design outcomes.
  • Version Control: Version history and resolved comments help teams track changes and maintain a clear audit trail, reducing the risk of errors and confusion.
  • Remote Work Support: Advanced collaboration features enable seamless teamwork regardless of geographical location, fostering collaboration among distributed teams.
  • Sharing and Accessibility: Live embeds and easy sharing options make it simple to share designs with stakeholders, clients, and team members, ensuring accessibility and transparency.
  • Customization and Integration: Plugins and integrations extend Figma’s functionality, allowing teams to tailor the tool to their specific needs and integrate with other software for a smoother workflow.


Figma’s advanced collaboration features make it a powerful tool for modern design teams. By enabling real-time collaboration, contextual feedback, detailed annotations, robust version control, flexible sharing options, and extensive plugin support, Figma ensures that teams can work together more effectively and efficiently. As the landscape of work continues to evolve, tools like Figma that prioritize collaboration and communication will be essential for driving innovation and success in the design industry.