Advantages and Disadvantages of Control Systems

Control systems play a significant role in our daily lives, impacting various applications that often go unnoticed by us. They are used to control the behavior of devices and systems to accomplish the desired task. They are made up of many components and the major components are usually sensors, controllers, and actuators. Every component in the control system plays a major role and when all these components are combined, they form a system which is known as a control system. Sensors convert physical changes into electrical signals by sensing physical parameters like heat, light, temperature, pressure, etc. Controllers are used to control and adjust the function of a device according to the needs of the system. Whereas an actuator carries the process further by executing the command generated by the controller. Further in this article, we will see all about the control system, its features, advantages, disadvantages, etc.

Table of Content

  • Control Systems
  • Features
  • Applications
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Conclusion

What is Control Systems ?

A control system is the combination of multiple devices that manages the command and directs the behavior of other systems, ensuring seamless operation. They are used in many fields like electronics, automation, manufacturing sectors, etc. The output in the control system is governed by the input given to it and provides the desired response by controlling the output. Many components contribute to the control system for its proper functioning and each of them has some specific function. The most common example of a control system is a traffic light system. As we all know a traffic light system works seamlessly by providing the correct combination of output to control the traffic on the roads it’s a perfect example of how different components of traffic light work together to show the desired color of light at a particular time.

Control System

Features of Control Systems

  • We can get the desired result by providing subsequent input and to control multiple devices.
  • They have many applications which help us in everyday basis to simplify our work.
  • A stable system gives desired result without any error and erratic behavior.
  • They work in real time, since they have many sensors inside them, they sense the change in the surrounding and respond to it accordingly.
  • All the components in the control system work simultaneously to provide the desired output instead of every component work independently and then combined together.
  • They are accurate and precise. They give the same response every time if the input to it is same.
  • Actuators in control system convert physical signals into electrical signals.
  • Controllers are designed in such a way that the can be controlled and influence the behavior of system.

Applications of Control System

  • Transportation : Control system is used in traffic control systems, air traffic controllers, railway control systems, parking management systems and etc.
  • Medical : They play a major role in the field of medicine. In X-ray machine, Glucose monitoring system, medical imaging system and patient monitoring system.
  • Industrial automation : Manufacturing, processing and delivery in factories.
  • Robotics : movement and force in robots, energy control, coordination in movement, feedback control and real time task execution.
  • Environmental control : waste management system, renewable energy system, agriculture, climate control and air control system.
  • Power and energy system : energy storage system, smart grids, grid stability, frequency control and voltage regulation.

Advantages of Control System

  • Fast and Error-Free : Control system have very fast response to the input, and they work faster than humans. They reduce the time and human effort in doing the same work. Control system make very minimal error while giving output, which makes it perfect in the jobs where there is a high risk of mistakes and errors. They subsequently reduce the error which humans can make easily because they are designed in such a way that they can operate with precision, leading to error free performance.
  • Accuracy : we can completely rely on the output given by control system. They are so accurate that they give the same output every time if the input given to it is same. The control system increases the productivity and minimizing the variation in results.
  • Adaptable and Efficient : The control system can be programmed in such a way that they can sense the change and respond it accordingly. They can work in any type of environment and makes almost zero error. They are efficient since they reduce the time and does the work with perfection and accurately.
  • Security : We can blindly trust on the control system as they are safe and secure. Since there is no human intervention in the process of control system, they are more reliable as compared to humans. Control systems are equipped with many types of monitoring capabilities that can track the system’s behavior. They indicate or cutdown the process if they detect any abnormal behavior or anomalies. The response is quick and can lead to temporary shutting down that specific process. This automated anomaly detection in control system is very crucial for safety purpose.
  • Optimal Resource Utilization : Control system can optimize and utilize the use of recourses provided to them and make the best use of them. It minimizes human intervention in even doing difficult tasks and improved resources utilization. For example, in agriculture sector, the control system can adjust the variation in demand and supply if there is a change in the production, preventing overproduction of good.
  • Real-Time Monitoring System : Control system provides real time monitoring which help to make a quick decision while analyzing the performance of the system. It also allows to detect anomalies in the system and the early detection of error can reduce a big potential issue. For example, in manufacturing sector the real time monitoring system allows you to control the parameters in response to variation in environmental conditions.
  • Integration with Other Complex System : It integrate its function with other systems for better performance. This integration with other systems increases the capability of system and coordination provides perfection and productivity inside the system.
  • Optimization : We can optimize the complex process into smaller different process and find the best operation to achieve the goal. It can be monitored and remotely controlled which is important aspect of control system and ensures error free performance, especially in task which are prone to high risk and mistakes.

Disadvantages of Control System

  • Maintenance : Control systems require Maintenance on the regular basis to work properly. The maintenance also increases the cost factor which is a big disadvantage of a control system. Components like sensors and actuators are calibrated so that the efficiency of control system is maintained. Also to increase the life cycle of system they are updated and replaced with new technologies.
  • Complexity : The designing of control system is difficult to understand and not everyone who is a beginner can figure out the functioning of very component in the system. Since the control system is composed of many different types of components, it is very challenging to control and implement task in it.
  • Environmental Factor : The accumulation of waste due to its defected parts has serious environmental concerns. Therefore, proper disposal is necessary and recycling parts can be done to decrease environmental impact.
  • Lack of Flexibility : Control system lack in flexibility in adapting to changes. They need to be maintained regularly and modified to work in the required conditions. In some systems whenever, anomaly is detected in the system, every time it has to reset manually so that it can function properly in future. The dependency of component on each another can be a dangerous in some situation. Since in that case if one component shows any anomaly than other components are also affected by this and the whole system will suffer from imperfection in functioning.
  • Security Concerns : We often see security vulnerabilities in control system. Due to its complex designing and multiple components working together, Security is compromised. Some components in the control system have pre-defined roles and when a new situation or variation like an anomaly occurs, they fail to work properly and may give wrong output. Hardware malfunction and software bugs are also a big problem in control systems. Failures can lead to interruption in processes, potentially causing safety issues.


We have covered all about control system and majorly on its advantage and disadvantage. Control system have various application and are widely used in production and manufacturing sectors. As technology advances and our understanding of control systems deepens, we can anticipate further innovations that enhance their performance and efficiency. In the future we may see some advance control system which can work without any human involvement. Keeping in mind, the advantage and disadvantage of control system we can tackle the challenges which can affect control system in future and minimize their limitations.