Advantages and Disadvantages of Emergency Maintenance (EM)

Emergency, I think all of you are familiar with this word. As name suggests, it is a serious and unexpected situation that is required to be immediately solved. One can say that emergency is a dangerous situation that requires immediate and quick action. Emergencies always occur without any warning. Similarly, in software engineering, there are certain situations that require immediate actions. Emergency Maintenance (EM) is an immediate action that is needed to be taken whenever any unexpected failure of asset occurs or assets get broken down. These unexpected failures can be dangerous and might cause greater damage to health, safety as well as working environment. Emergency maintenance is something that if failed equipment is not repaired immediately after failure, then it might cause greater damage, affects health, and results in production loss. Workflow of Emergency Maintenance (EM) :  

Advantages :

  • One of main advantages of emergency maintenance is that there is no initial planning involved so initial cost involved to maintain equipment before failure occurrence is safe.
  • As no planning is involved, number of team members require to resolve issues will be less.
  • EM usually guides technicians to take preventive measures to prevent system from greater damages.
  • EM also helps one to immediately identify major cause of failure and then restore asset or equipment to its normal working condition. In turn, it minimizes loss.
  • Minimizing downtime by addressing critical issues quickly
  • Improving the functionality, performance, and reliability of the system
  • Reducing the risk of system failures and customer dissatisfaction
  • Flexibility in addressing problems based on the severity and urgency

Disadvantages :

  • Unpredictability is one of main disadvantages of Emergency maintenance as one does not when failure is going to occur. This might result in delays in production, decrease in product quality, increase labor costs, etc.
  • No planning is involved and no tools and resources are collected that are required to resolve issues as such issues occur unexpectedly.
  • Emergency maintenance does not increase lifetime of equipment. In fact, it generally reduces lifespan of equipment.
  • It can be more costly than expense of regularly implementing preventive maintenance.
  • Everyone’s main priority is not to deal with such type of maintenance. But no matter what, one has to plan to overcome such emergency situations.
  • Increased downtime and lost productivity
  • Higher costs in the long run as problems are likely to recur without addressing root cause
  • Difficulty in predicting when and how often incidents will occur
  • Increased risk of system failures and customer dissatisfaction
  • Lack of proactive identification and resolution of potential problems
  • Difficulty in identifying the root cause of the problem which leads to recurrence of the problem
  • Lack of time for thorough testing and validation of the solution
  • Additional stress on the maintenance team and possibly overtime costs