Advantages and Disadvantages of Laptops

The age of portable devices, like laptops, has come and it’s absolutely not surprising. If you check out the statistics, then the notebook market is developing much faster than the pc and technology, and therefore the filling of recent models, and therefore the demand going on increasing day by day

A laptop may be a pc that will be easily carried to a variety of locations. It’s also called a transportable pc. It can run an equivalent set of software and a set of files as that of a personal computer. A laptop features a built-in monitor, keyboard, touchpad, and speakers and may be powered by a chargeable battery. It had been first invented by British designer Bill Moggridge. A laptop is employed widely thanks to its portable nature.

Advantages of Laptops :

  1. Mobility –
    The main advantage of a laptop, as compared with a stationary computer, is its mobility. The lightweight, compact size, the built-in battery within the laptop allowing it to simply move from one place to a different one. Many models are often worn in the least times, utilized in a park, cafe, or carted during a car.
  2. Finished product –
    The laptop is straightforward to use with none additional devices. It’s everything like its own keyboard, built-in mouse (touchpad), built-in speakers, built-in microphone, many laptops have a built-in camera.
  3. Internet access –
    Internet access is the second advantage for the increase in demand for the laptop because it provides the power to access the web through wireless technology Wi-Fi.  
  4. Offline operation –
    The laptop is additionally convenient to use for all types of presentations. In this case, you are doing not dependent upon the technical equipment of the venue. As the laptop can work offline from its battery so no need to connect from the mains.
  5. Instant –
    Usually carrying a laptop means your ticket to instant access to information, be it personal or professional. It results in better collaboration between co-workers or students.  

Disadvantages of Laptops :

  1. Frequent Upgrades –
    The laptops are difficult to upgrade thanks to their integrated design. The sole parts which will be upgraded are hard disc and memory as these are the sole parts that are accessible to the user. It’s very difficult to repair it. As every laptop has its own proprietary design and construction, they’re difficult to upgrade. Additionally, they need a high maintenance cost too.
  2. Higher price –
    The laptops are costly as compared to PC, because the smaller components required by the laptop come costly.
  3. Difficulty in customization –
    The laptop doesn’t offer an option for personalization consistent with one’s requirements. The laptop only gives access to the computer’s memory and disk drive. The opposite components like processors, graphics cards, and cooling systems aren’t easy to access and replace. So, when one among the laptop’s non-customization components becomes obsolete then you’ll need to buy a replacement laptop to stay up with the technology.
  4. Highly insecure –
    The laptops are generally stolen thanks to their heavy cost. The thieves may misuse the stolen business data or personal data which will convince be very dangerous. Hence, both the physical protection of laptops and the safeguarding of knowledge are very important.
  5. Health issues –
    Prolonged use of laptops can cause RSI thanks to their flat keyboard and trackpad pointing devices. The integrated screen of the Laptop often causes the users to hunch for a far better view than can cause neck or spinal injuries.
  6. Durability –
    Thanks to their high portability laptops are subject to more wear and tear. Laptop components like screen hinges, latches, and power jacks are susceptible to deteriorate gradually thanks to ordinary use.
  7.  Video Cards – It is easier to run as many video cards as possible on a desktop at a time, but laptops have a lot of limitations when it comes to the use of video cards because laptops are not compatible with the consumption of high power and may lead to permanent damage.