Advantages and Disadvantages of WLAN

Nowadays, more and more networks are operating without cables, within the wireless mode. Wireless LANs use high-frequency radio signals, infrared beams, or lasers to speak between the workstations, file servers, or hubs. Wireless LAN is formed by connecting different devices through wireless communication to form an area network. WLAN follows a typical named IEEE 802.11. . This network is straightforward to put in and use at the house or other place. and used by different mediums and connects them with personal digital assistants, desktop computers, workstations and printers mobile phones, etc. 

  • WLAN includes an access point (AP) which is employed to attach to the web . AP sends and receives frequency signal to the connected devices. In 1990 WLAN installation was expensive and was only deployed where the wired connection wasn’t possible. within the late 1990s, cost decreases to implement WLAN due to using IEEE 802.11 standard. 


  • It works with a bandwidth of two .4 GHz (802.11b) or 5 GHZ (802.11 a). The devices to which WLAN connects also are called clients. The Wi-Fi Alliance may be a global, non-profit organization that helps to make sure standards and interoperability for wireless networks, and wireless networks are often mentioned as Wi-Fi. 


  • WLAN gives a high data transfer rate. It uses a star during which all nodes send/receive data through access points. It works better in homes and offices. Especially in offices no extra cables are required and arranging a gathering is additionally easy. it’s a knowledge transfer rate of 1-10 Mbps. Wireless LAN uses security which incorporates WEP or WPZ. It also uses infrared technology if required.

Advantages of wireless local area network (WLAN) : 

  • It’s a reliable sort of communication. 
  • As WLAN reduces physical wires so it’s a versatile way of communication. 
  • WLAN also reduces the value of ownership. 
  • It’s easier to feature or remove workstation. 
  • It provides high rate thanks to small area coverage. 
  • You’ll also move workstation while maintaining the connectivity. 
  • For propagation, the sunshine of sight isn’t required. 
  • The direction of connectivity are often anywhere i.e. you’ll connect devices in any direction unless it’s within the range of access point. 
  • Easy installation and you would like don’t need extra cables for installation. 
  • WLAN are often useful in disasters situation e.g. earthquake and fire. A wireless network can connect people in any disaster
  • It’s economical due to the tiny area access. 
  • The  amount of power it requires is more as it uses transmitter; therefore, the battery life of laptops can be affected

Disadvantages of wireless local area network (WLAN) : 

  • WLAN requires license. 
  • It’s a limited area to hide. 
  • The Government agencies can control the flow of signals of WLAN and can also limit it if required. this will affect data transfer from connected devices to the web. 
  • If the amount of connected devices increases then data transfer rate decreases. 
  • WLAN uses frequency which may interfere with other devices which use frequency. 
  • If there’s rain or thunder then communication may interfere. 
  • Due to Low security as attackers can get access to the transmitted data. 
  • Signals could also be suffering from the environment as compared to using fiber optics. 
  • The radiation of WLAN are often harmful to the environment.
  • WLAN is more expensive than wires and hubs as it access points. 
  • Signals can get from nearest signals by access points. 
  • It’s required to vary the network card and access point when standard changes. 
  • LAN cable remains required which acts because the backbone of the WLAN.
  • Low data transfer rate than wired connection because WLAN uses frequency. 
  • Chances of errors are high. 
  • Communication isn’t secure and may be accessed by unauthorized users.