10 Best AI Tools for Mental Health

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous fields, and mental health care is no exception. With the rise in mental health challenges, AI tools for Mental Health are proven to be useful in diagnosing, treating, and managing mental health conditions.

In the past few years, there has been an observable shift in the way people communicate about mental health. Technological advancements have made it possible for the sector to evolve and this includes embracing different approaches. AI as a capability has been deployed in the mainstream and can affect several optimized measures aimed at empowering persons to take charge of their mental health. The options look limitless through chatbots that supply CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) strategies and apps that provide mindfulness meditation sessions.

In this article, let us discover the 10 best AI tools for mental health, each of which provides a different adding value feature and output to make the life of users more enjoyable and convenient, together we open a new era of mental health support and accessibility.

10 Best AI Tools for Mental Health in 2024

  • Woebot
  • Wysa
  • Talkspace
  • Moodpath
  • Mindstrong
  • Replika
  • Headspace
  • SuperBetter
  • 7 Cups
  • BetterHelp


Woebot is an AI-based chatbot programmed to assist users by applying CBT techniques in this way it helps to manage the stress and anxiety of many health issues through customized conversation with the user and giving some exercises on the related topic.


  • Interactive chat-based interface
  • As for daily assessment, the mood-tracking practice will be evaluated by filling out different forms requiring self-check-ins.
  • After being trained, the psychologist can provide the exact CBT exercises and coping strategies that are suitable for the patient.


  • Being available 24/7, serving clients with quick responses.
  • This emphasizes the methods that have to do with the scientific study and observations of human behaviour.


  • The given tool can only use text-based exchanges.
  • However, it can serve as a useful additional tool for medical treatment but not for complete purposes.


  • Free to use.



With its AI-based Mental health app Wysa, dialogue-based therapy by drawing on principles of CBT, DBT, and mindfulness is offered to provide a supportive emotional environment.


  • Chats are very important to customers as they can be easily referred to an AI assistant who is empathetic.
  • What they offer is a combination of both the mood tracking feature and the journal feature.
  • These cognitive practices also involve guided mindfulness and relaxation exercises.


  • Engaging and sensitive is what is required, as it is the feeling of being in a dialogue with a machine that will create the impression of a person.
  • Ticking demand for people belonging to all generations.


  • Some basics may be free, but some other features need a paid subscription.
  • Limited customization options



Talkspace is an online therapy service that matches subscribers with licensed mental health professionals via algorithms analyzing their immediate needs. It also provides several types of treatment which include counseling, family, or couple therapy.


  • Personalized therapist matching, that is, looking for someone who shares the personal vibe and preferences of the user.
  • A limitless connection with therapists who are registered.
  • Videos and audio for therapy sessions will be here


  • It is now possible to enjoy excellent quality professional therapy in a place and date that we select.
  • Managing offers, which are encrypted and protect participants’ matches and communication.
  • Provides a wide choice from which to meet the specific needs of any individual.


  • Subscription-based pricing model
  • Can not be claimed as a speedy problem-solving tool and may not be appropriate in the case of frontline crisis intervention.


  • Avaerage cost of in-person tharepy: $175 – $500 per session.



Moodpath is an AI-enabled mood-tracking app that hovers over each user’s mood interval identifying their mood patterns and offering personalized insights and recommendations.


  • Tracking daily mood and new ones (add more words here) symptoms helps me to be aware of the patterns that develop over time.
  • Measurement, tracking progress, and visualization tools will enable students to analyze and monitor their progress toward reaching their goals.
  • Educational resources and therapy techniques.


  • Friendly user interface for mood tracking that doesn’t require any expertise from the user.
  • Insights that the evidence-based research has testified.
  • Provides the ability to pick up mental health problems in the early stages.


  • There is restricted access to a therapist for help (premium version).
  • Some features that are being subscribed to may not be worthy enough.



Mindstrong is a mental health phone application that comes equipped with a system that can passively track the behaviour of a user subconsciously using their smartphone and can make out the changes related to mental health problems like depression and anxiety.


  • Through passive extractions from smartphone sensors, users may even be able to track their health indicators.
  • The real-time monitoring of cognitive abilities is recognized as an important measure.
  • Findings and proposals based on behavioural pattern analysis will be provided.


  • Non-invasive tracking of mental health indicators through, e.g., wearable trackers.
  • Mental health disorders are often seen in young adults (when they enter college).
  • Integration with the set of phones a user has and the technology of it.


  • Privacy issues connected to data collection are one of the main restrictions.
  • Users who don’t have smartphones will not be able to access this feature.



Replika is an AI-intelligent chatbot that focuses on supplying emotional support and companionship through conversational dialogue, showing its ability to grow and learn from the feedback of its users by offering tailored replies.


  • AI conversational means of communication with a human-like companion.
  • Mood tracking capabilities as well as benefit reporting to help you with goal setting.
  • Guided reflections to reflect on oneself.


  • Acceptance without condemnation and a heartfelt connection.
  • The work simulates the feeling of love and companionship which can help in the reduction of the feeling of loneliness and isolation.
  • Character attributes will be customizable.


  • And maybe misses the proficiency that human therapists will offer.
  • Information about data protection is raised as data interchanging is taking place.

Link: https://replika.com/


Headspace is a mindful- and meditation-related app that bases its AI functionality on the creation of guided meditation sessions, sleep aids, and relaxation exercises for the users.


  • Guided meditation workouts are designed for different purposes such as relaxation, weight management, or pain control for the management of mental or physical issues.
  • As part of stress management, try sleep audio and music for calming.
  • Personalized recommendations based on one’s preferences will eventually lead to increased engagement.


  • Accessing information simply and straightforwardly with a user-friendly interface.
  • Scientifically proven mindfulness techniques
  • Suitable both for advanced and determined novices in meditation.


  • A paid subscription is needed for total enjoyment of the website’s content.
  • They may not be a replacement for professional therapy, and providing support in difficult situations may not be enough.



The SuperBetter is a gaming app that provides enjoyable tasks and challenges for users to help them accomplish and overcome obstacles as well as develop resilience.


  • Gamified self-improvement activities
  • Social and Peer support add-on and accountability functions
  • Personalized quests and challenges.


  • Instructional course materials are very considerable and attractive.
  • Empirical practice aimed at strengthening the coping strategies.
  • Instigates good behaviour and consent.


  • It’s not fit for everyone’s taste
  • Limited customization options


7 Cups

The 7 Cups is a community that connects you with listeners, peer supporters, and licensed counsellors, giving you a chance to chat or talk to people.


  • Peer Drug support from experienced addicts and people who have passed this and had feelings like the addicted.
  • A prominent issue is the availability of licensed counselling therapists for counselling sessions.
  • Community meetings and group top sessions.


  • Offer a cheap reference point for people who do not use the traditional therapy approach.
  • These people are living a secret life that is unknown to their friends circle, relatives, and every person.


  • Being subject to generative artificial intelligence only for the chat it is in.
  • The elapsed time stands for may be different based on the capacity.



BetterHelp is a digital platform for counselling, which allows for the matching of users with licensed therapists and counsellors, who form the counselling ‘market’ based on the user’s needs and preferences, offering various therapy options for individuals and couples as well as teens.


  • They offer unlimited messaging with the benefit that practitioners are licensed therapists.
  • Video and telephone connections, which are convenient for clients.
  • Assortment of therapy methods planned for tailoring various groups.


  • Convenience and accessibility of professional therapy, which is possible based on any location.
  • Men can benefit from different kinds of therapies including group, couples as well as individual sessions.
  • Affordable pricing plans


  • Some patients may require its physical presence rather than computer virtual reality.
  • Reactions to calls can depend on the amount of time it will take for their counsellor to arrive.



The use of AI tools for mental health has revolutionized this space by transforming the way we ensure mental well-being. These 10 AI tools for mental health push the limits by developing outstanding applications for handling stress, anxiety, depression, as well as some other mental health issues.

Whether you prefer talking to a chatbot or getting in touch with a therapy platform, meditating, or playing one of many games with gamed self-help tools – there is a whole gamut of options available to satisfy your choice and meet your needs. Through humanizing AI, one can acquire individual tailored assistance together with the appropriate resources and mechanisms developing mental health fitness and personal life as a whole.

10 Best AI Tools for Mental Health- FAQs

Are these Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies the communication channel instead of a professional counsel?

Though artificial intelligence can complete a typical therapeutic service or even offer much value to people, professional therapy should not be replaced with the help of AI tools. Persons who experienced acute mental health problems or their conditions are strongly advised to consult a professional therapist or a counselor.

Is it true that our data becomes insecure when taking AI tools?

Lots of AI application designers have user safety and privacy in mind which is a reason why heavily begun encryption and compliance with privacy regulations are getting popular.

Are the AI tools deployed in a manner that new people with limited resources get a chance to learn and use them?

AI tools with free or cheap admit levies are important so that individuals from all backgrounds and financial conditions may also access them.