How AI Will Affect the Jobs in Future – 2023-2030?

With the advent of AI in the world and the consequences it has brought along with it, the world has never been the same again. There has been massive mass layoffs all around the world and people have been losing their job ever since COVID started. AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing, Writesonic, etc have become weapons to initiate the layoff bombing. This paradigm shift is nothing sort of surprising now because of Artificial Intelligence which has taken over the world in the best and worst way possible. In this article, we’ll explore jobs that AI can’t replace in the coming future – 2023-2030.

When it comes to finding in-demand occupations in the next seven years and taking advantage of job growth, those who are resisting rather than riding the crest of the wave will not be making hay while the sun shines. Although AI will eliminate certain occupations, it will also create new ones.

In this article, we’ll look for certain domains of jobs that will be surely replaced by AI, and not replaced jobs too. Including that, we’ll learn about the importance of AI in the workplace and what is the expected number of jobs to be replaced by 2030.

Table of Content

  • How AI Will Affect Jobs and the Economy?
  • How Many Jobs Will AI Replace by 2030?
  • 6 Sectors Affected by AI till 2030
  • Jobs Not Affected by AI
  • Benefits of AI in Workplace
  • Conclusion

How AI Will Affect Jobs and the Economy?

According to the research from one of the top technical company & institute, at the global average level of adoption, absorption, and technological advancements identified by their simulation, AI has the potential to significantly increase global economic activity by up to $13 trillion by 2030, or roughly 16% more cumulative GDP than it does today. This equates to an annual increase in GDP growth of 1.2%.

This influence, if realized, would be on par with other general-purpose inventions throughout history. This will mostly result from greater product and service innovation as well as the automation of labor.

The same analysis continued, stating that by 2030, the average simulation indicates that less than half of organizations would have fully absorbed the five types of AI, even if 70% of them will have embraced the AI revolution and adopted at least one form of AI technology.

According to Forbes, artificial intelligence has the potential to be one of the most economically disruptive technologies ever created.

How Many Jobs Will AI Replace by 2030?

According to a report by investment bank Goldman Sachs, artificial intelligence (AI) might replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs. It might result in a quarter of work duties in the US and Europe being replaced, but it might also create new jobs and boost productivity.

Additionally, it may eventually result in a 7% annual rise in the value of all goods and services produced globally. Two-thirds of U.S. and European jobs “are exposed to some degree of AI automation,” according to the paper, and about a quarter of all jobs may be totally carried out by AI.

The most likely group to be impacted by workforce automation, according to researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and OpenAI, are some educated white-collar workers making up to $80,000 per year.

Other sources also put up their claims that almost 50% of the high-paying jobs will be shifted to a drastic change brought by AI in 2030. Instead of humans, technology will start playing with the gadgets and work process too.

6 Sectors Affected by AI till 2030

There are many domains in which jobs will be affected by AI till 2030, and some of the major includes:

1. Customer Service Representative

As systems like chatbots and virtual assistants manage a wider range of consumer enquiries and requests, the customer support role is becoming more automated. Self-checkout technology has also made human labor less necessary in places like grocery shops, which has decreased the number of jobs in the customer service sector.

2. Receptionists

Nowadays, the majority of businesses use robots at their front desks. Now, AI is used to manage even the calls. There are some tools like AimeReception which is able to see, hear, comprehend, and communicate with clients and guests.

3. Salesperson

Nowadays no companies or advertisers do offline branding by reaching out directly to the people. All the advanced technologies have covered the whole market with the help of creative designs, videos, and automated messages to provide insightful messages for their services. So, there will not be any need of physical presence of some person to introduce about company’s services and features.

4. Research & Analysis

Artificial intelligence is already used in the disciplines of data analysis and research to speed up procedures and locate new data without the need for human intervention. Data sorting, extrapolation, and analysis are made possible by the processing capacity of modern computers. Humans may not be required to participate in data analysis and research as artificial intelligence advances.

5. Content Writer

There are a lot of tools available in the market for writing blogs, articles, and social media copies within a seconds with quality. Multiple AI tools like ChatGPT, Writesonic, Google Bard, etc. are there to produce quality content for top companies and organizations. Writing professional emails and brief social media posts are basic content marketing activities that artificial intelligence is perfectly capable of doing. AI may sometimes even create a first draft of longer pieces of content, taking over many tasks that would previously have fallen to human content marketers.

6. Graphic Designer

AI-generated artwork directly competes with graphic designers, especially now that anyone can create this type of artwork through multiple AI art tools in the market. Without having any artistic training, it is simple to produce professional photos using tools like Lensa and DALL-E. And even copyright-free images are also readily available with good quality on different platforms like FreePik, Pixabay, etc. As a result, organizations and people may in the future rely less on graphic design services to create eye-catching visuals.

Jobs That AI Can’t Replace

In this trend of Artificial Intelligence, there are several jobs that AI can’t replace by such technologies because of its quality and need of human in that for better inputs. Some of them includes:

1. Teaching

AI-powered tools have improved education by facilitating small-group discussions and assisting students in developing their socio-emotional competencies. However, AI is unable to establish the same level of closeness and trust with students that human teachers can. Additionally, human teachers may be better able to handle difficult social situations including resolving conflicts, communicating with parents, and other similar situations.

2. Nurse

Artificial intelligence may take over routine healthcare activities like obtaining patient data and transporting medical supplies. A human touch is necessary in face-to-face conversations. Nurses and other healthcare professionals may be favored to AI in instances where they are providing direct patient care, having difficult conversations with families, and clarifying patients’ queries too.

3. Lawyer

In the democratic country like India, no one can replace the job of Lawyer with any technology till 2030, which becomes very obvious because of the poor people and more number of semi-literate people. Although AI has significantly impacted the legal sector, it is unlikely that technology will ever completely replace lawyers. In order to properly advise clients, lawyers are supposed to have a solid understanding of values and ethics. Since AI doesn’t share humans’ sense of “right” and “wrong,” delivering legal advice presents a number of ethical issues.

4. Artist

AI art generators are proficient at making works of excellent quality, but they only base their creations on works and fashions that already exist. The fresh styles and concepts that spur innovation in the aesthetic environment are created by human artists. AI will continue to have an impact on artists’ careers, but creativity belongs to people.

Benefits of AI in Workplace

In the current scenario of automation, every organization is switching to an AI model for whole work schedules. There are multiple benefits for integrating AI in workplace, such as:

Focused and Engaging Tasks

Many experts agree that one of AI’s greatest benefits is its capacity to free people from having to carry out boring, repetitive chores that are part of their overall responsibilities, allowing them to concentrate on more challenging and fulfilling work or simply take some much-needed time off.

However, the work and output are always diverted to activities that are considerably more fruitful. For each level of employee, the work is properly aligned with such system of AI to improve user engagement, and also focuses more on ehnacing the quality.

Efficient and Shorter Workdays

With the integration of AI in workplace, there are no such burden of overload and extra tasks, because whatever work is aligned, if that gets completed with quality, so one one can give extra work. Even with the help of this, employees’ efficiency is calculated and improves the company’s quality too by prioritizing the tasks accordingly.

Wrapping Up

While those who are eager for it and willing to embrace the change claim that AI has the potential to create more new types of jobs than it replaces, the opponents appear to have come to the conclusion that it would eliminate millions of jobs and force people onto the streets.

However, it seems that resistance is pointless, and humans must realize that artificial intelligence is a reality in our day-to-day life. Given the practical and affordable answers technology offers, every work role should embrace it. By automating the monotonous chores and decision-making processes, it allows employees to concentrate on more creative goals. The potential for artificial intelligence to advance organizations, automate manufacturing procedures, and provide insightful data is enormous.

How AI Will Affect the Jobs in Future – FAQs

What type of jobs will be replaced by AI?

There are a list of jobs which may get replaced by AI till 2030 because of repetitive tasks, no creativity, etc. Such jobs include drivers, copywriters, graphic designers, etc.

What jobs can be created by AI?

There are many sections of people getting trained to adopt the AI system in coming years. Some of the jobs which AI will create include ML Engineer, Cyber Expert, etc.

How many jobs are expected to get replaced by AI?

Among the current employee counts from the workplace, there are around 70% jobs expected to be replaced by AI till 2030 as per the report from Forbes.