Akamai Interview Experience for SDE Summer Internship (On-Campus)

Recently, Akamai visited our campus for its summer internship program, and I had the opportunity to participate in the selection process. Although I didn’t make it through all the rounds, this experience was a significant learning curve for me.

Round 1 – Online Assessment

Hackerrank Test for 75 min which consisted of

  1. 9 MCQs
    Operating System, Computer Network, DBMS, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures etc.
  2. 1 SQL Query
    Though I don’t recall the exact question, it was easy-medium level.

Coding Questions :

  • https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-moves-to-equal-array-elements/description/
  • https://leetcode.com/discuss/interview-question/374846/Twitter-or-OA-2019-or-University-Career-Fair

I managed to complete the SQL query and one-and-a-half coding questions and was selected for the next round.

Round 2 – Technical Interview

The second round was a technical interview that combined coding and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts:

Question 1: String Manipulation

The interview began with a coding question that revolved around string manipulation. I was given a string and tasked with reversing it and replacing specific characters within it

Question 2: Finding Unique Characters

Question 3: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) – Operator Overloading

The interview then shifted its focus to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts. I was asked to code operator overloading for the addition of two complex numbers. This challenge tested my understanding of OOP principles and operator overloading in C++.

Question 4: Smart Pointers

Understanding and coding smart pointers in C++ was the final part of this round, further delving into memory management in C++.


In the end, I realized that I didn’t perform as well as I had hoped, largely due to my nervousness and panic during the interview. However, this experience was one of my first interview encounters, and it taught me valuable lessons.


I learned that staying calm under pressure is essential and that giving your best is more important than the outcome.