Akosha Interview Experience

I recently got a call from Akosha Bangalore for on-site interview. This Interview had three round, two technical and one manager round.

Round 1: Written Test : 30 Min
*20 MCQ
*Two programming questions : only one need to attend

  1. Find Maximum area in Boolean matrix (0/1).
    Solution: https://www.w3wiki.net/largest-rectangle-under-histogram/
  2. I forget second one, but it was on List of List ( very lame question, I did not like the question so I did not solve it)

Round 2: Technical Interview : 1 hour 30 Min
This round totally focused on technical knowledge including data structure, algorithms, web services, Protocols etc.
*Discussion on recent project in detail
*Role and responsibility in recent project
*Linked list random pointer problem: https://www.w3wiki.net/a-linked-list-with-next-and-arbit-pointer/

* Restful apis discussion, design etc.
* HTTP protocol discussion
* GET/POST/PUT/DELETE methods discussion
* Difference between POST/GET and POST/PUT when to use what
* (interesting question) You have a rest api for Post method, Suppose you embedded this api in your application and this api usually takes 2 hour to respond back . How will you handle this situation?
     — Lots of discussion were done on timeout, sync call, aysnc call etc
But I was not able to give what he was seeking to.

Round 3: Manager Round: 1 hour 30 Min
* General behavioral questions
* Why you want to leave ur current company so early
* What you liked so far in development

I got the offer from company but they were paying sameas what I’m getting currently. More over HR is very bad, she has no sense of talking.
After few days I reject the offer (due to their bad behavior, they call me 2’s in a day(7-8 days) from different sources just to say resign asap)

I would to say thanks to Beginnerforgeek for such a wonderful platform for tech guys.