Amazon FBA : Meaning, Working, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is Amazon FBA?

A complete solution that aims to help sellers streamline their logistics and boost customer fulfillment can be defined as Amazon FBA or Fulfillment by Amazon. By using FBA, sellers will ship their products to an Amazon fulfillment center. Inventory, in turn, will be properly stored until purchase. The operational burden will then fall on Amazon’s competent workforce, which will handle the tasks of preparation, packaging, and shipping once a customer places an order. This seamless integration will relieve sellers from the logistical complexities permitting them to have more options in their selling strategies. FBA will also enable sellers to harness Amazon’s vast resources and perks, such as Amazon’s Prime badge for qualifying products, which offer higher visibility and trustworthiness. Adopting FBA strategically gives a seller the ability to resize their operations, reach a larger customer base, and simplify their business processes.

Geeky Takeaways:

  • Definition: Amazon FBA is a wholesome service that helps sellers optimize logistics and enhance customer fulfillment.
  • Operational Process: Sellers send inventory to Amazon fulfillment centers for efficient storage. Amazon’s workforce then manages the preparation, packaging, and shipping of orders.
  • Benefits for Sellers: This seamless integration allows sellers to offload logistical complexities and gain flexibility. It provides access to Amazon’s resources and perks.

Table of Content

  • How Does Amazon FBA Work?
  • What Does Amazon FBA Cost?
  • Should you use Amazon FBA?
  • Advantages of Amazon FBA
  • Disadvantages of Amazon FBA
  • 10 Steps on How to Create an Amazon FBA Seller Account
  • Difference between Amazon FBA and Seller-fulfilled Prime
  • How to Maximize FBA Sales?
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does Amazon FBA Work?

1. Enroll Products in FBA: Enrolling products in Amazon FBA will offer sellers with a simplified and efficient solution for managing their inventory. Sellers can ship their products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers, leveraging the expansive network and infrastructure of Amazon. It not only ensures secure storage but also positions products strategically for faster order fulfillment.

2. Order Fulfillment: The order fulfillment process is a pivotal aspect that FBA seamlessly handles. When a customer places an order, Amazon’s dedicated personnel take charge of picking up the items from the fulfillment center, meticulously packing them, and ensuring timely shipping to customers. This end-to-end service will permit sellers to focus on other aspects of their business while Amazon efficiently manages the logistics.

3. Customer Service: Beyond the transaction, FBA extends its support to customer service. Amazon takes responsibility for addressing customer inquiries, handling returns, and managing exchanges for FBA items. This comprehensive customer service will ensures a positive experience for buyers, contributing to overall satisfaction and potentially encouraging repeat business.

4. Prime Badge Eligibility: One of the standout advantages of enrolling in FBA is the potential eligibility for the Prime Badge. Products with the Prime Badge get a competitive edge by signaling to customers that they qualify for free, two-day shipping through Amazon Prime. It not only attracts more customers but also enhances the perceived value and trustworthiness of the products.

5. Cost and Benefits: The cost efficiency of using FBA is a significant draw for sellers. Shipment costs, on average, are 32% less per unit when compared to alternative fulfillment methods. This cost-effectiveness, coupled with the automatic eligibility for the Prime member badge, makes FBA an attractive proposition for sellers seeking to optimize their operational expenses while providing enhanced benefits to their customers. The amalgamation of streamlined logistics and enhanced customer perks positions FBA as a valuable resource for scaling e-commerce businesses on the Amazon platform.

What does Amazon FBA Cost?

1. Fulfillment Fees: Fulfillment fees are a pivotal component, ensuring that sellers are fairly charged for the end-to-end fulfillment services provided by Amazon. These fees are intricately tied to the size, weight, and shipping method of the products. For standard-size products, the fulfillment fees in India can vary, ranging from ₹13 to ₹26 for items under one pound and exceeding ₹26 for items over two pounds. This transparent fee structure permits sellers to anticipate costs and make informed pricing decisions.

2. Storage Fees: Amazon imposes monthly and long-term storage fees to encourage efficient inventory management. Monthly inventory storage fees in India range from ₹3 to ₹45 per cubic foot, depending on the season. This dynamic pricing model promotes inventory optimization, ensuring that sellers maintain an inventory level aligned with market demand, ultimately minimizing storage costs.

3. Selling Plans: Sellers on Amazon FBA in India have the flexibility to choose between an individual selling plan and a professional selling plan. The individual plan charges a flat rate of ₹0.99 per item sold, while the professional plan comes with a monthly subscription fee of ₹39.99. This versatility empowers sellers to align their selling plans with their business scale and goals, providing an adaptable pricing structure.

4. Referral Fees: Referral fees are a standard contribution from sellers based on the selling price of the product. In India, sellers typically pay referral fees of 5% of the product’s selling price. This fee structure permits sellers to leverage Amazon’s extensive customer base and advanced e-commerce infrastructure for mutual benefit.

5. Returns Processing: Returns processing is seamlessly integrated into the fulfillment fee for products without free returns. This inclusion not only simplifies the returns process for sellers but also enhances the overall customer experience, contributing to positive reviews and repeat business.

6. Inventory Removal and Disposal: If a seller decides to discontinue the use of FBA, managing inventory removal can incur costs. Amazon charges ₹10-₹25+ per shipment for removing and returning inventory or disposing of it, depending on the shipment’s weight. This clear fee structure will offer sellers with insights into the costs associated with transitioning out of the FBA program.

7. Unplanned Service Fees: Unplanned service fees highlight the significance of adherence to planned fulfillment processes. Amazon charges fees for services like unplanned storage, pick and pack, and shipping deviations. This encourages sellers to maintain operational efficiency, limiting unplanned costs associated with deviations from established fulfillment workflows.

Should you use Amazon FBA?

Upon thorough examination of the available information, the pivotal decision of whether to integrate Amazon FBA into your business strategy awaits. It is mandatory to acknowledge the inherent competitiveness within the Amazon marketplace, regardless of the nature of your product or service. Nevertheless, the potential perks are compelling for visionary entrepreneurs, particularly those embarking on their entrepreneurial journey. For small and e-commerce enterprises, leveraging an established fulfillment program, existing infrastructure, and tools such as Amazon Seller Central can transform the most arduous aspects of the process into a worthwhile endeavor. This strategic move offers operational efficiency and taps into the vast opportunities presented by Amazon, catalyzing business growth and success, especially for those in the early stages of their venture.

Advantages of Amazon FBA

1. Time and Resource Management: FBA serves as a powerful ally in business growth by allowing sellers to delegate the core logistical functions of storage, packaging, and shipping to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. This outsourcing liberates sellers’ time and resources, enabling them to focus on strategic aspects of their business, such as product development, marketing, and expansion.

2. Faster, Reliable Delivery, and Access to Prime Benefits: One of the pivotal perks of FBA is the promise of faster and more reliable delivery to customers. This not only contributes to an enhanced customer experience but also aligns products with the Amazon Prime program. Products enrolled in FBA automatically qualify for the Prime Badge, making them eligible for free shipping. This serves as a significant incentive for potential customers, potentially expanding the product’s market reach.

3. Logistics Support, Scalability, and Customer Service: FBA provides essential logistics support, empowering sellers to scale their operations seamlessly. The service accommodates increased sales volume without burdening sellers with concerns about the fulfillment process. Furthermore, FBA extends its support to customer service, handling inquiries, returns, and refunds. This comprehensive assistance ensures that sellers can focus on strategic business decisions while Amazon manages the operational intricacies.

4. Cost-Effective Shipping: Utilizing FBA for shipping yields cost-effective advantages, with an average savings of 32% per unit compared to alternative shipping methods. This economic efficiency is a pivotal factor for sellers seeking to optimize their operational costs and maximize their profitability within the competitive e-commerce landscape.

5. Access to Amazon’s Name and Trust: Being associated with Amazon’s FBA program imparts a seal of trust to sellers’ products. Consumers associate Amazon with exceptional customer service and a quality guarantee. This association not only attracts customers but also contributes to the establishment of brand credibility and brand loyalty, factors critical for long-term success.

Disadvantages of Amazon FBA

1. Costs: FBA involves various fees, including storage fees, fulfillment fees, and additional charges. Sellers must conduct a thorough cost analysis, utilizing tools, like the Amazon Revenue Calculator, to estimate overall expenses accurately. Understanding these costs is mandatory in determining whether or not FBA aligns with the cost-effectiveness goals of the business.

2. Inventory Management: Continuous inventory management is pivotal to avoid long-term storage fees and ensure product availability. This task becomes particularly challenging for sellers with extensive inventories or products with limited shelf life. Proactive inventory monitoring and strategic planning are vital to optimizing FBA benefits while minimizing potential challenges.

3. Lack of Control: Outsourcing fulfillment to Amazon entails relinquishing some control over the fulfillment process, including packaging and shipping. This might be a concern for sellers aiming to maintain a distinct brand image or specific packaging standards. Sellers must weigh the trade-offs between the convenience of FBA and the desire for complete control over the customer experience.

4. Returns: While Amazon handles the logistical aspects of returns for FBA items, sellers may still face challenges in managing customer complaints and handling returns. Dealing with returns can be time-consuming and may incur additional costs, impacting overall operational efficiency.

5. Competition: The popularity of FBA means maximized competition among sellers utilizing the program. This heightened competition can potentially lead to lower profit margins as sellers vie for customer attention and prioritize competitive pricing strategies. Sellers must develop unique value propositions and marketing strategies to stand out in a competitive FBA landscape.

6. Product Restrictions: Certain product categories, such as hazardous materials, perishable goods, and oversized items, are restricted from FBA. Sellers must be aware of these limitations, as they can impact the range of products available for fulfillment through FBA. This restriction underscores the importance of aligning product offerings with FBA eligibility criteria.

10 Steps on How to Create an Amazon FBA Seller Account

Step 1: Access Amazon Seller Central: Enter the Amazon Seller Central website by visiting This is the first point for initiating your seller account.

Step 2: Initiate Registration: Press the “Learn More” button on the Seller Central website to initiate the registration process. You shall be directed to the account setup page.

Step 3: Respond to Amazon Email or Sign Up: Upon initiating registration, you have the option to wait for an email from Amazon containing a registration completion link or sign up immediately. The email will guide you through the final steps of the registration process.

Step 4: Fill out Business Information: Enter your business details, including your name, address, and contact information, through the provided form. This foundational information is for establishing your seller’s identity.

Step 5: Amazon Store Setup: Specify your Amazon store’s name (which can be changed later), indicate whether you possess UPCs for your products, disclose any diversity certifications, and confirm if you are the manufacturer or brand owner of the products you intend to sell.

Step 6: Account Preparation: Enhance the security of your account by setting up 2-step verification. This additional layer of security adds protection to your Seller Central account.

Step 7: Log into Seller Central: Once your identity and business details are verified, log into Seller Central using This marks the official entry into your seller account.

Step 8: FBA Account Configuration: Create your Amazon selling account and log in to Seller Central to set up Fulfillment by Amazon. During this process, review FBA costs and obtain estimates for each product you plan to enroll in the FBA program.

Step 9: Product Listing Creation: Add your products to the Amazon catalog and specify FBA inventory details. Prepare the products following Amazon packing guidelines and shipping and routing requirements for secure transportation to a fulfillment center.

Step 10: Ensure Pre-requisites: Before initiating your Seller Central account creation, ensure you have the necessary prerequisites: a bank account with a routing number, an internationally chargeable credit card, government-issued identification, tax information, and a valid phone number.

Difference between Amazon FBA and Seller-fulfilled Prime


Amazon FBA

Seller-Fulfilled Prime (SFP)

Fulfillment Process

Amazon handles the entire process: picking, packing, and shipping.

Seller is responsible for fulfillment, meeting Amazon’s Prime requirements.


Involves fees for the fulfillment, storage, and other services.

Sellers handle transportation and marketplace fees, impacting costs.

Buyer Attraction

Generally attracts more buyers, the potential for higher profits.

Can attract Prime customers but requires meeting stringent delivery requirements.

Control and Oversight

Amazon provides tools for oversight and time-saving.

Sellers have more control over the fulfillment process but must consistently meet Prime delivery requirements.

How to Maximize FBA Sales?

To optimize FBA sales, sellers can adopt various strategies. These include enhancing pricing strategies, refining listing content, maintaining efficient inventory management, joining the Amazon Brand Registry, incorporating influencer marketing techniques, and outsourcing tasks to assistants or freelancers. Additionally, leveraging online analytics tools for valuable insights, ensuring prompt and polite responses to customer inquiries, and synchronizing inventory across multiple channels to prevent stockouts are crucial. Maintaining competitive pricing and offering swift and reliable shipping options, facilitated by Fulfillment by Amazon, further contributes to success. By adhering to these best practices, sellers can not only boost profits but also streamline their growth trajectory through the FBA platform.


Amazon FBA stands as a complete service designed to revolutionize logistics and elevate customer fulfillment for sellers. By entrusting their products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers, sellers benefit from efficient storage and a seamless end-to-end fulfillment process, managed by Amazon’s capable workforce. FBA offers flexibility in selling strategies and also grants access to valuable resources, including the Prime Badge for eligible products. The strategic adoption of FBA enables sellers to scale their operations, reach a broader customer base, and streamline their business processes. Despite its merits, FBA is not without challenges, including associated costs and relinquished control over certain aspects of the fulfillment process. The comparison with Seller-Fulfilled Prime highlights the trade-offs between control and convenience. To maximize FBA sales, sellers can implement various strategies, from pricing optimization to leveraging tools and services provided by Amazon. While FBA presents significant advantages, sellers should weigh the associated costs and consider their business needs before deciding whether to integrate this service into their operations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Should we pay for Amazon FBA?


Yes, FBA fees are mandatory for all Amazon sellers, regardless of whether you are using FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant) or FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). These fees cover various aspects of the Amazon seller experience.

2. How will Amazon FBA pay us?


Once your seller account is settled with a positive balance, Amazon initiates payments every 14 days. The funds are transferred to your bank account via ACH (Automated Clearing House) or electronic funds transfer.

3. Is Amazon FBA simple?


Yes, Amazon is a competitive marketplace. While it offers significant opportunities, starting an Amazon FBA business requires a considerable investment of time and money. Success in an Amazon FBA business demands learning, perseverance, and hard work.

4. Who will pay for FBA returns?


As an Amazon seller, you should pay a return processing fee for each item returned by customers. This fee will be half of the fulfillment fee for each returned item. It’s mandatory to note that Amazon FBA return fees are applicable, particularly to products under categories like clothing, shoes, and handbags.