Amazon Interview Experience

Amazon visited our campus in October 2020. The process consisted of 4 rounds overall. (1 test and 3 interviews)

Online Round: The first round is an online test which consisted of aptitude, 2 coding questions(in 1hr), workstyle assessment, and some other sections.

The overall difficulty of this round is easy. Amazon repeats coding questions. So make sure you are familiar with the questions they usually ask. I got the Favorite genre(google it) problem and subtree check problem(given roots of 2 trees, check if one is a subtree of the other).

You need to pass all the test cases to even be considered by amazon.

Out of ~400 students, 51 got shortlisted after this round. Many students who did both the coding questions were not shortlisted. So, do aptitude well just to be on the safe side. Amazon took our interviews on December 1 on Amazon Chime and the code also needs to be written on some amazon platform. The code is written won’t be compiled. The interviewer manually checks the code.

There were 3 rounds of online interviews. All rounds started with a “Tell me about yourself”. The questions are as follows

First Round(Technical): LRU Cache implementation with a special focus on edge cases.

Second Round(Technical): 

  1. Projects discussion
  2. Given a number, convert it to roman numeric form.
  3. Given a binary 2D array whose rows are sorted, find the row with the maximum number of 1s. (Required complexity is O(m + n))

Third Round(Technical + HR): 

  1. Given a list of pair of numbers, return a list of pairs which do not have an intersection with any other pair.
  2. OOPS
  3. Projects discussion
  4. HR questions( Why amazon, do you take calculated risks, and other common hr questions)

All the questions were worded differently. I just mentioned the crux of all the questions. Also, make sure to read up on amazon’s leadership principles and answer HR questions accordingly.

6 students were given the offer at the end.(including me ☺)