Amazon Interview Experience for Quality Assurance Engineer (Off-Campus) 2024

I received an email from Amazon to fill out an interest form for a Non-SDE role. After a week, an online assessment was scheduled for me.

Online Assessment:

The Online Assessment round consisted of 14 sections mostly MCQs, with each section having 5-8 questions. These sections included:

  • Coding (1- Hard Leetcode problem)
  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • Pseudo Code
  • Python
  • Software Development
  • Software Testing Concepts
  • Data Visualisation & Interpretation
  • OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
  • Computer Networks
  • Operating systems
  • Linux basics
  • Data Modelling & Warehouse
  • Data Query

After 3 days, I received an email saying I was qualified and asked to apply for the job via the Amazon Jobs portal. My interview was scheduled a week later. It was a virtual interview conducted on Chime. I had 4 days to prepare for the interview. My main focus was on testing methodologies as it was a QAE role.

Technical Interview 1: (60 min)

  • Introduce yourself.
  • What are the different types of testing?
  • Difference between Regression testing and Sanity testing.
  • Write various test cases for the lightning deal feature of Amazon shopping.
  • Consider the payment gateway page of Amazon shopping and write all the possible test data for the credit card details.

Three days after the first round, I received my round 2 schedule which was the next day.

Technical Interview 2: (60 min)

The whole process took 2 weeks. The interviewers were very friendly and I was comfortable throughout the interview. Both rounds went well. Try to be interactive while solving the programming questions. Be confident about the project you are explaining. I was questioned about the usefulness of my project, so you should be able to defend it and convince the interviewer.

Five days later, I received the offer.