Amazon Interview Experience for SDE-1 (Bangalore)

Round 1(Online assessment): Consisted of 2 coding questions along with a code explanation for each. In code explanation, you need to explain your approach and the time and space complexity. I do not exactly remember the coding questions asked, but one was leetcode easy, and the other was leetcode medium.

Round 2(Technical round 1): The interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then gave the following coding questions.

Round 3(Technical Round 2): The interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then gave the following coding questions.

Round 4(Bar raiser): The interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then he asked some questions from my resume.

  •  Tell me about the project mentioned in your resume.
  •  Variation of stock buy and sell. Took more than 30 mins to understand and do this. The interviewer was not clear with his requirements.  Finally did this with recursion.

Round 5(Managerial round): The interviewer was very nice. He interacted with me very well. Asked several behavioral questions. Some were,

  • Tell about a time when you did something challenging.
  • Tell about a time when you did something innovative.

Tips: Keep practicing daily Practice from GFG and leetcode, that should be enough. Do not take behavioral questions lightly and practice them during the end days before your interview. Make 5-6 stories at least.

Verdict: Selected