Amazon Interview Experience for SDE-1 (Off-Campus) 2022

Online Assessment (Jan 26, 2022): There were two coding questions. The first one was based on a prefix-sum and the second one was based on sorting. Both questions were of easy-medium level. I was able to solve both of them completely. After that, interviews were scheduled.

Technical Round – 1 (Feb 15, 2022): The interviewer was SDE – 2 on Amazon. He started with a quick introduction and tried to create a friendly environment to make me comfortable. After that, he asked me to open a live code link. It was a text editor but the code could not be compiled, we just had to explain the logic by writing production-ready code. He pasted a question on the text editor and also explained that to me. It was based on a hashmap and was of medium level. I explained my approach to him. He asked me to check for certain edge cases for which I modified my approach and after that, he asked me to write code for it. Then he checked my code and moved on to the second question which was.


I asked various clarifying questions and he explained those well. After thinking for some time, I gave him the BFS approach for which he asked me to write the code. The interview ended on a good note.

Technical Round – 2 (Feb 17, 2022): The interviewer was a Senior Software Engineer at Amazon. He first asked for an introduction followed by questions on projects and leadership principles. He then gave a single question:

He didn’t write the exact problem instead I had to ask clarifying questions to make the problem clear. I initially gave the DFS approach for which he asked to write complete and production-ready code. After that, he asked for time complexity and various questions about how the code will work. He briefly asked about the working and time complexity of the set as it was being used in a part of the code. Later, he asked for Trie based solution.

Bar-Raiser Round (March 4, 2022): The interviewer was SDE-3. She asked for an introduction and then directly jumped into the first question which was:


We have to find the median of the stream after every incoming number. Firstly, I gave a brute-force solution using sorting, for which she asked to optimize further. Then I gave the solution using heaps and wrote the code and she moved on to the second question which was:

Similarly, this question also firstly gave the brute-force solution and then optimized it, and finally gave the stack-based question. For most of the people, in the Bar-Raiser round, only one DSA question is asked and the rest of the time is for leadership principles and project-based questions.

Verdict (March 9, 2022): I got the call from HR informing me that I was selected.

Things to remember:

  • Practice standard problems from GFG and Leetcode.
  • Always write clean code in the interview with proper variable names and indentation.
  • Think out loud during the interview.
  • Use the STAR method to answer behavioral questions.
  • Go through your projects before the interview, as they can ask anything related to those.
  • Be aware of the implementation of common Data Structures like sets, maps, trie, etc.