Amazon Interview Experience for SDE-I | 1+ Years Experienced

I have applied through referral and I got an online coding test invite link after few days

Round 1(Online Coding Round): This happened on hackerrank platform and two questions were asked and questions were of medium leetcode range.

Round 2(Technical Round 1): This round happened on amazon chime platform and interviewer was SDE-II. In this round 2 coding questions were asked and you are expected to solve both of them with an optimal solution. They mostly focus on your problem-solving skills in this round. Below are the questions asked

  1. Some linkedlist question of medium leetcode range

Round 3(Technical Round 2): This round happened on amazon chime platform and interviewer was SDE-II. In this round 2 coding questions and few CS fundamentals were asked. They mostly focus on your problem-solving skills in this round. Below are the questions asked:

CS Fundamental Questions:

  1. What is process?
  2. Difference between process and thread?
  3. What is thrashing?
  4. What is normalization in database? 
  5. What is the best normal form?
  6. What are procedures in database?
  7. What are indexing?

Round 4(Hiring Manager): This round happened on amazon chime platform and interviewer was Sr. Software Development Manager. They focus on your leadership skills and problem-solving skills. It has happened as mentioned below

1. Asked few behavioral questions as below to check amazon leadership principles

  • Time when you went above and beyond your job responsibilities?
  • Received negative feedback from manager and how you responded?
  • Time when you failed to meet your commitment?
  • Tell me about a time when you innovated and exceeded the expectation?
  • Time when you went above and beyond your job responsibilities?

Round 5(Bar raiser round): This round happened on amazon chime platform with software development manager. They focus on your leadership principles and problem-solving skills. It has happened as mentioned below.

1. Asked few behavioral questions 

  • Tell me how you learn a new technology?
  • Time when you didn’t meet a deadline?
  • Tell me a time you took some on some risk?

2. A DSA questions as mentioned below (

Finally, I got selected ?

My tips for behavioral questions:

  2. Above is the link where you can get all the list of the behavioral questions
  3. Before hiring manager round go through all these questions and prepare answers well for the questions so that you wouldn’t need to think regarding same during the interview. It helped me a lot 

All the best for your interviews.

Jao ab Phodo!( ichi padesai!)