Amazon Interview Experience for SDE Intern

So Amazon visited our college campus for hiring sde interns for their bangalore office,.. The process consisted of cgpa (8.5+) and resume based shortlisting, followed by one Online Assessment Round, and one Technical Interview round.

Online Assessment:

  • The assessment consisted of 2 questions, to be solved in oe hour.
  • The first one was a simple greedy problem, which was to be solved either using sorting or using a priority queue.
  • The second one was a relatively hard one, one had to make a difference array and use binary searching on it.

Interview Round:

  • The interview was also scheduled to be of one hour.
  • 2 questions were asked, and the interviewee was expected to code up one problem and just explain the approach and complexity analysis of the second one.
  • The first problem asked to me was a simple modification of topological sorting, in which we had to first reverse all the edges and then apply the topological sorting algorithm to the graph..
  • The second one was buy and sell stocks, where you can just hold one stock at a time.. A simple 2D dp problem, I was expected to only discuss the approach and tell the complexity analysis for this one.

Final Verdict: [Rejected]

  • I was able to solve both of the problems in the interview optimally, but was unfortunately not selected for some apparent reason..
  • My advice would be not to panic and fumble at all , and stay confident throughout the process, trust all the hark work you’ve put in yourself,..