Amazon Interview Experience For SDE Internship 9

How I applied: I got an email from Amazon to apply for the SDE 6-month internship role.

Number of rounds: 2

Round 1:

Round was an online assessment that was on Hackerrank. It consisted of 2 questions one was the basic question of dp and recursion and the other was about the alien dictionary (I did not remember the exact question) which was about 70 mins. Then the next 15-20 minutes go for a work style survey of Amazon.

Then after 1 – 2 days, I got the mail of clearing the online assessment and heading to the interview after 2 days.

Round 2:

DSA interview. The interview began with the basic introduction of the interviewers as well as me. Then they asked me about one of my projects what difficulties I had faced and how I overcame that difficulties. After that, the interviewer jumps on the coding question.

Question 1 – Add Two numbers (Leetcode)

I started by telling him my understanding of the question and then followed by the brute force which involves various inbuilt functions like reversing the array. So he asked me to implement this function and asked me for time complexities and space complexities.

Then she asked me how I could optimize. I gave him the optimized approach which involves a stack. He asked me for any other data structure that I could use to achieve the result and also enquired about the problems the other data structure could have. Then I explained my optimized approach by stack by dry running an example given by them. He asked me to implement a stack data structure.

Question 2 – It was given on tree (I don’t remember the exact question)

I told him the approach but couldn’t be able to solve it as I was not very aware of tree topic. after that, the interviewer wrapped the interview if I had any questions.

The results of the internship were declared after some time and I got rejected for the SDE 6m internship but it was a good experience for me as I know all of my weaknesses and this interview gave me a lot of things to learn