Amazon Interview Experience | Off-campus AmazeWow

Round 1: Online Assessment

The AmazeWow assessment: 28 technical questions + 2 coding questions.

Time: 1.5 hours

1.  Evaluation of Postfix Expression

2.  Given n dices each with m faces, numbered from 1 to m, find the number of ways to get a given sum X. X is the summation of values on each face when all dice are thrown. 

Technical MCQs were based on Data structures, OOPs, Computer fundamentals, etc.

Round 2: Technical Interview 1

1.   Given a sorted array with possibly duplicate elements, the task is to find indexes of first and last occurrences of an element x in the given array.

2.   Given an N * N binary maze where a 0 denotes that the position can be visited and a 1 denotes that the position cannot be visited without a key, the task is to find whether it is possible to visit the bottom-right cell from the top-left cell with only one key along the way. 

Time and space complexity of each approach.

Round 3: Technical Interview 2]

Ques: Given an array of strings  

String 1 : a/b=1.6

String 2 : b/c=2.3

String 3 : p/q=2.8 

String n: y/m 

Then return the value of a/c

There can be more such queries like f/a or anything.

Time and space complexity of the approach used.

Round 4: Technical Interview 3

Ques: The cost of a stock on each day is given in an array, find the max profit that you can make by buying and selling in those days. Given conditions – 

(i)   You can make any number of transactions.

(ii)   For a particular day, you can either buy or sell a stock, but not both.

(iii)  You cannot sell a stock before buying it. (Lol… Quite obvious )

Modification: Modify the code for ‘k’ number of transactions instead of any number of transactions. 

Time and space complexity for each.

Computer fundamentals and networking questions. A few of them are listed below:

(i) If we have our services over several locations, how do we reduce the latency for retrieving data?

(ii) What are the types of cache?

(iii) Difference between thread and process.

(iv) Which one is light-weight among thread and process and why?

(v) What happens when we type a URL on our browser?

(vi) How servers handle a large amount of load?

(vii) Networks among systems are centralized or peer to peer?

Round 5: Technical Interview 4 + HR round


Personal projects + projects completed during internships

Fundamentals check: 

Some basic fundamentals of python and OOPs –

(i)    Difference between list and tuple

(ii)    Difference between deep copying and shallow copying

(iii)   Overloading and overriding

(iv)   Given 2 examples of overriding , tell why or why not overriding concept will fail here.


Tell me about a time when you have faced some challenging situation in your past (during any project or internship) and how I tackled the situation.


Given an array of strings

Each string in the format <Operand><space><Operator><space><Operand>

Operand = [a-z]

Operator = greater than or less than sign (> or <) 

Find if the given set of strings is valid or not. A set of string is valid if there is no paradox.

Verdict: Selected