Amazon interview Experience | Set 134 (Off-Campus for SDE)

I would like to start off by thanking the entire community of w3wiki for helping me out.

Attempt 1

1. Given a number N, find the number of correct combination of parentheses possible.

  Input: N=2 => ()()
  Output: 2 [(()),()()]

  Input: N=3 => ()()()
  Output: 5 [()()(),((())),(())(),(()()),()(())]

Attempt 2

Written Round(on HackerRank): It contained 3 simple questions on data structures. Duration 60 mins.

F2F – Round 3:
1. Detailed discussion of current projects.
2. How would you design the meeting invite feature of Microsoft Outlook? Considering each meeting invite as an object and that Web server is the storage space for the invites, design a data structure to receive and send invites to user in an efficient manner. The message objects must be received in a sorted manner based on the time of meeting. I gave an O(NlogN) solution and he was pretty impressed. I was then asked to code it.
3. An array is given whose every ith index is the child node of a[i] as shown in the example below. The root node is represented by -1. Find the height of the tree.I did it in linear time.

Input: parent[] = {1 2 -1 2}
Output: 4
The given array represents following Binary Tree 
        /  \
       1    3

F2F – Round 4:
1. Cultural info and projects discussion. What errors have you performed in your career path? What are the major challenges that you faced?…and other such questions.
2. Design a parking lot system. She was very much concerned with all the edge cases.
3. How would detect whether a singly linked list is a palindrome or not?I gave a solution with O(n) time and space complexity. But she asked to optimize it further with O(1) space complexity.

All Practice Problems for Amazon !