Amazon Interview Experience | Set 260 (For SDE2)

1st Round:
1. Add two numbers represented by linked lists I gave recursion solution code. Then asked for optimized one.

2nd Round:
1. Detail overview of current project. roles and responsibilities.
2. Implementation of Queue but with certain kind of constraints. Basically looking for knowledge of design patterns.

3rd Round:
1. Again went through resume and asked every point.
2. Max sum path in two arrays
List all possible test cases.
3. Design a dashboard system. both HLD and LLD.

4th Round:
1. Design a system to upload images and tag them, ability to search images with two or more tags particular tags.
2. Most challenging work

5th Round (Bar Raiser):
1. Most challenging work
2. Why Amazon?
3. Why leaving current company?
4. Evaluation of Postfix Expression
5. Design a online shipment tracking system.

Note: In all they asked for production ready code. Please take care of all edge case.

All Practice Problems for Amazon !