Amazon Interview experience | Set 328 (For SDE-1)

Started with online test at Hackerearth. It had 2 questions. 


  1. Find subarray with max sum. Array have both -ve and +ve integers.
  2. Consider a matrix with rows and columns, where each cell contains either a 0 or a 1 and any cell containing a 1 is called a filled cell. Two cells are said to be connected if they are adjacent to each other horizontally, vertically, or diagonally; 
    If one or more filled cells are also connected, they form a region. 
    Output the length of the largest region. 

    Ex: in the following example, there are 2 regions one with length 1 and the other as 6. 
    0 0 1 1 0 
    1 0 1 1 0 
    0 1 0 0 0 
    0 0 0 0 1 
    Solution: Unit Area of largest region of 1’s

1st Round (telephonic) 

  1. Given a string and integer k, in-place rearrange the string such that last n-k characters comes before the first k characters. 
    Ex: abcdef and k=3, so result is: defabc
  2. Given a binary tree, sum all the root to leaf nodes and return the sum. 
        /   \
      2      3
    /   \       \
   4     6       7

here ans: 124 + 126 + 137 = 387

2nd Round 

3rd Round 

4th Round 

  1. Given a 2-D grid, number of steps to take, say k and initial position of a Robot. print the paths possible from initial position after k steps. Robot can move in top, right, left, bottom. In one path, robot can’t move to the location it has previously visited.
  2. Check if a binary tree is balanced. Balance criteria was difference of height between left and right subtree should be <= 1.
  3. Given a binary tree, a node of that tree, and integer k. Print all the nodes which are at distance k from that node. NOTE: there is no parent pointer in the node.

5th Round 

  1. Behavioral Questions. Read front pages(before technical stuff) of Cracking the coding interview book. Prepare them well.
  2. Given a string, count all the palindromes in that string. Only consider substring palindromes

Thanks to w3wiki for helping me prepare for interviews. 



All Practice Problems for Amazon