Amazon Interview Experience | Set 340 (3.5 years experienced for SDE 1)

Recently I have gone through interview with Amazon Chennai for Amazon FIRE TV team. Here is my positive experience.

Round 2:
1. Level order traversal in spiral form
2. It’s a two player game. Both the players are equally intelligent to win the game. Give n no. of stones. A player can choose either 1 stone or k stones or l stone (1<k<l). Suppose player 'A' starts game then challenge was to identify the player who will win the game. Player who picks the last 1 stone or last k stone or last l stones win the game.

Round 4 (Bar Raiser)
1. Detailed discussion on current company project.
2. Maximum Path Sum in a Binary Tree

Round 5 (Hiring Manager)
1. Design ATM machine.
2. Design a queue using only one stack.
3. Discussion on process & threads, Inter process communication, Lots of discussion on scheduling algorithm, their implementations, data structures used to implement scheduling algorithms, scheduling algorithms in real time distributed systems & implementation.
4. Lots of behavioral questions like why amazon, why you are leaving current company.

Finally got positive response from amazon with decent package.

Thanks GFG for this wonderful site.

All Practice Problems for Amazon !