Amazon Interview Experience | Set 432 (For SDE-2)

This interview was for the SDE-2 position for logistic management department of amazon. I had applied for this job on

Round 1:

There was an online codding test on Hackerearth. Two questions were asked. I don’t remember them now.

Round 2:

After two weeks they scheduled a telephonic round.

I had given solutions for the both.

Round 3 :

This was onsite interview at Hyderabad.

First he asked about my past projects and challenges faced. He then asked if I had designed anything on top of current a system.

Next a technical question was given;

I first gave him a two queue approach(was not optimal), he told to code it on paper. After I wrote the code, he asked to optimize it further. Finally after few iterations, I gave him an optimal two pointer approach.

My suggestion here is; do not hurry to present your solution to interviewer,   first try to come-up with best optimal solution. For SDE-2 positions they expect optimal solution at the very first place from you.

Round 4 :

This was all project and HLD related round.

There were two interviewers. The first introduced themselves and told about what their group does at amazon.

He then asked about my role at previous company and past projects I did in brief. Then asked if I have done something like adding new functionality or suggested some improvement for the project that was not asked by customer or manager.

He then asked me to draw HLD for meeting calendar system. Then there was discussion on various issues on it like scalability, what database should be used; SQL-NoSQL, concurrency etc.


All the best guys!