Amazon is Closing 68 Retail Stores, Ending Amazon Books, 4-Star and Pop Up Shops

Amazon took a big decision of shutting dowing its retail stores including Amazon Books, 4-Star, and Pop Up shops, which sold all the interesting items. This closure includes 68 shops across the US and UK. Although this will be effective one by one in every location, also help the employees to have enough time to find other jobs. 

However, Amazon denied stating the number of employees who will be affected by this massive closure.

Amazon’s retail store started in the year 2015, and the first physical book store was launched in Seattle, which steadily started to grow. Once the store became a big hit there they open various outlets at several locations including, California, Maryland, Colorado, Illinois, Massachusetts, Oregon, New York, Texas, Washington, Tennessee, New Jersey, etc.

After the complete success, Amazon launched a number of convince stores with a unique feature “Cashier Less” which became very popular. Along with this they also opened supermarkets and a new concept of “4 Star” which only sold toys with high customer ratings and household items. By opening such a store, Amazon aimed to reach a large number of customers physically and wanted to provide them with the best products.

Moreover, as per the report, Amazon is also closing its motor book stores which eventually became the physical contact point of the customers. These stores were quite liked by people as they became a convenient spot to pick up Amazon products as it was all present at one place. Along with that it also became easy for the customers to return the merchandise physically and get their products checked properly. Although, not only in merchandise but Amazon’s retail footprint also expanded towards whole food and fresh grocery stores.

According to the media report closure of all the shops will be done accordingly so that the shoppers do not have to face the issue and will have an exact date for the same. In line with this, with the closing of stores, Amazon is finding relevant jobs for the people who will be most affected by this change. The main reason for shutting down these stores is not out but as per the report’s sales of the physical stores lagged behind due to which the company has to take such deceitful measure of closing the stores.

If we talk about the losses then the shares have gone down to 80% which came out to the worst performance by one of the biggest tech groups all over the world. Although, one of Amazon’s spokespersons confirmed that though the shops are being closed, the company will remain stuck to its promise of bringing more convenience stores in the future. 

Also, they are focused upon recently launched Style Stores, which will be the first step towards a physical clothing store. Along with this, the company will also focus upon the Amazon Fresh Grocery stores, and Amazon Go convenience stores.